Friday 31 May 2024

A reaction to the Trump verdict

 First to arrive, from multiple sources, was a bible verse posted or sent ... Matthew 16:26 ... but reading around it, I'd suggest the whole section 21-28 is most relevant to this night now (night in Britain). That specific verse 26, by the way, says (KJV):

For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
All that I'll come back to in a subsequent post at some stage. This post now concerns the political response of mainly major players online, plus a few others. It also starts with X which, despite its shadow banning WEFer CEO, still managed to get posted and then a few from **b, which tends to be more hardline and remembers past snippets better ...

... not unlike Em***** *ob**son over whom I came a cropper last time with Chau***/Fl*** ... she's regarded a tad more fearfully than other pundits, she also predicted the showtrial in 2021, as did La*** Lo**** ...

LL was predictably feisty, talking of "coming after" targeted names ... and man does she have some of those, supplied by who knows who. (Incidentally, at 0338, first light has arrived and the birds are tweeting.)

Now some "official reactions" ...

All right ... now onto maor online pundits who are deeply embedded on the MAGA side and are known by all serious players and watchers ...

Em R is in this major pundit category but I ran her first as she has form. Now to lesser pundits ... widely read and seen outside of the US but not being American, the impact is lessened, plus some medium level American Xers ...

Quick word about this chap ...

All right, two at our level, my colleagues ...

Now to **b ...

More horrifying was this from young people:

Red Wave Riders are like Young Conservatives used to be over here ... but a bit more awake to reality ... not enough to vote maybe.

Lastly, this by Buzz Patterson:

Just a reminder that that is not the statue of "liberty" ... it's the joke on America since Mas**s in America gave it and it was put up at the entrance to NYC. It's actually Ish*** or a statue to enslavement, whether to the English or to sat** himself.


  1. DJT is running one helluva re-election campaign! Aided and abetted by the dim democrats. 10/10 for originality!

    1. The frothing from the Left is sooooo delicious!


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