Saturday 18 November 2023

The Left owns businesses and every institution today

Firstly, five screenshots, some which are from my earlier post, followed by a seemingly unrelated youtube on the Segway … all of them though quite relevant to the topic of the left owning business and every western societal institution today, explanations after these:

The topsy-turvy nature of labels  today … the way the “left” now controls businesses and every institution in western society makes a mockery of “captains of industry” being titans of the capitalist right.

There is no capitalist-right now … look at every bloody ad on TV or on youtube or anywhere else … there are those who’ve sold their souls in order to stay afloat … vicious shutdowns, even murders, are the order of the day today …

… at the top of the heap are globo-psycho multinational billionnaires under the control of three letter politburos, globo-thinking, outsource-thinking, Remoaner (in Britain), RINO in America, sexually depraved (see the Ukrainian and other sex trafficking) … less so that way inclined as you go down the chain to the local shopkeeper, if still native … an endangered, yet possibly still “right” leaning chap or chapess.

Meanwhile, there are the separate Jewish, deathcult and Chinese complete societies in themselves.

Then there are the indigenous normies and deathjabbed karens … and finally us … what used to be the moral majority if it could have been called that … but now a host of dispossessed and disenfranchised angries, not in the least organised enough or vicious enough to wrest back control.

A far cry from the old days of the Libertarian versus the Statist on social media, this site being far more libertarian, for liberty … and yet, Julia, Grandpa and I are all socially conservative on various issues.

The old libertarian left includes the techie class who tended to be politically left or at least anti-Tory, like The Register, Wired etc. … which is so politically naive today as to be sad. Because being naively normie, politically it is condoning the grossest abuses of liberty in modern history.

We used to have a host here, Chuckles, a techie but an “ornery” sort, more an innovative yet social conservative. His mate, haiku used to read tech journals, inc. The Register, the BBC online, the Guardian, Independent … you get the idea of his politics.

However, this is 2023 and that won’t cut it anymore. That political compass chart above is mine from 2006 and though it averages out to middling right, slightly socially conservative … my replies are all over the place … yea, even libertarian left on, say, the (ig?)noble weed. On children though, it’s to the right of Attila the Hun.

Have a quick look at Julia’s concerns in her tags (last screenshot) … they’re indicative. Look at the Cromwell piece. Sammy Jo is where I am on Gen Z kids … ruined, destroyed by the egregious Wokerati.

I’m actually glad we need not say Left-Right anymore (unless far left). Our terminology is Wokerati-antiWoke … much easier to combine the old left and right that way.

All right, to the youtube and it’s about biz decisions. Interesting that it dwells on the biz more than tech aspects, as his whole manner and voice are soft-left of old, with wispy beard.  A SNAG.

GB Shaw it was who mentioned all progress being due to the unreasonable, not the reasonable … the reasonable are too compliant. Though I myself am slightly to the right, as in the diagram, yet my tactics are from the old Fabian and anarchist radical yoof, way back when … yes, I was one of those … never did anything violent though, as did Obama’s mentor or Bader-Meinhof.

The new radicals, the resistance, are now us … the old radical left, the firebombers etc., are now the Antifa, BLM, eco-glue-ourselves-to-roads loons … in other words, the globopsycho funded, govt run blackshirts … anti-people.

Who are the innovative? Jobs, Bezos, Dorsey … all Woke. And us morally upright, good people today … what are we producing that’s new?  

Funny old world.


  1. The Segway story reminds me of Clive Sinclair and his electric car.

  2. As far as the UK was concerned the 'failure' was obviously caused by the fact that the Segway was outlawed on both roads and on pavements - so it had no practical usage, and could only be used on private property, for 'fun'.

    Why was the Segway outlawed? I presume because Segway did not pay out enough bribes, and offer enough 'jollies', to lawmakers.

    By complete contrast; Newcastle upon Tyne changed the law to allow rented Neuron electric (i.e. coal-powered) scooters to be used on roads within the city on a (presumably council-subsidized basis); and they litter the whole area. They are so slow and have such a short range that they can only be used to replace walking (my observation is that the scooters are only used by students, for a laugh - when the students are on vacation they lie idle).

    In sum, these coal-powered electric scooters *increase* net-pollution, energy consumption, and traffic congestion.

    Why would the local councilors change the national laws enable this frivolous nuisance when Segways were deemed illegal? My best guess is that the suppliers were more 'generous' in the right quarters.


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