Monday 20 November 2023

Are We Becoming Lawless..?

A fourth speed camera has been cut down in Cornwall in the space of a month, amid fears that vandals are copying ULEZ 'blade runners'.
The camera - located in Longdowns on the A394 between Helston and Falmouth - has been cut down at its base. It is thought the camera was cut overnight between Thursday November 16 and Friday November 17.

Well, well, well... 

Fuming Mabe Parish councillor Peter Tisdale revealed there had been a couple of incidents before the cameras went up of schoolchildren being knocked down when they got off the school bus.

And who was to blame? The motorist, or the children darting out from a blind spot, I wonder? 

'The reason we got these cameras in the first place is because there have been quite a few accidents with people turning into the garage,' he said. 'But there's also been couple of children knocked down getting off the school bus trying to cross the road.
'The cameras are not here for fun. They've got to be out of their tiny minds.
'Are they copycats for ULEZ? Is that what they're doing? Thinking they are doing some kind of good?
'No they're not. We're talking about public money criminal damage, we are going to put them back, they're there for a reason.'

They might also be far more expensive than a zebra crossing and instructions to pedestrians to use it... 

But is this a sign. perhaps, that people have had enough being used as cash cows? 


  1. It is an inevitable response to our skewed justice system where we are put under more and more pressure whilst those at the top have little to fear breaking much more serious laws.


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