Tuesday 24 October 2023

Gird yourself, readers one and all

 (0627 GMT +1) and still dark out there … returning to a previous theme …

… but imho a vital one … that of not being drawn into viewing horrors, certainly not constantly because the process is … feeling of horror, dismay, helplessness, have to have more, and then it branches two ways … you either become a snowflake, where the slightest stress and you go to pieces … or else you become inured, a monster, just like the perps.

The only right way is to note but never indulge, even when the first tendency is raging revenge, laying waste to villages as Anakin did in the film and John Kerry did for real.  In other words, the right thing is to stay this side of the line of sanity, put on your armour and face up to the foe … and if you think that sounds biblical … go to the top of the class.

Amfortas (our reader and former blogger) wrote and I asked if I could post the non- personal, general part.  He’d sent this afternoon’s musical piece (at N.O.) about a young lady cut down by disease, had noted his age … and hers:


Toodles (long time reader) also sent this about another child:



I am not concerned for me, but for everyone else who is innocent.
We have entered into a 'final' confrontation between Good and Evil, in which discernment of who is who will be very difficult.  
Here we are, bodily ailments may not last long if the nation is pressured. It is a time for prayer and confession. We know not the hour.

But that caution is even more calling in the Middle East, in (the) Ukraine, in Russia, in China, Pakistan and India, in Africa etc etc. Nastiness covers the globe. America is failing and the West is failing too.  

Our 'civilised' parts of the world are severely guilty of horrible crimes that cry to Heaven. Millions and millions of babies are routinely slaughtered before they can even take a breath. The time for humanity's punishment for its sins is nigh.

Keep yourself as safe as possible, m'friends.
We have at least two regulars among our readers whose ages are a known-known, plus others age unknown but not spring chickens, let’s say … they’re a decade older than I am and so have the right, in their cases, to place the letter “s” before “ages”.  Bear in mind that these saw wartime for real, I did not, arriving in this world after the event and having a largely charmed childhood.

But I was aware, since twelve, that it could fall away just like that and even through the timelessness of yoof, where the good times stretch on into the future, I saw that they could well not be such good, hedonistic times once the “falling away” started, once people turned away and you don’t need to get biblical but only look at the histories of civilisations.

If Shakespearean Caesar ignored the soothsayer and went to his grisly end, feeling secure enough in the Senate chamber … then what of us, where the signs and portents are all around and very, very real?  

Those bstds, globopsycho, are even telling us how it will happen, what they have planned out for us.

You can put down the Isabel Vaughan-Spruces who pray silently and are arrested, you can mock all you want, you can conflate such people, plus Amfortas, plus Toodles … conflate them with with Hamas coz after all … you have to wipe out all “religion”, don’t you? 

Seeing zero difference between them and the deathcults and of course, in the eyes of the Wokerati … you, readers, and I, are the evil “far right”, are we not … we need to die in prison like J6ers … that’s what they have planned out for us.

I do ask though … of all the groups covered above … which show deep compassion … and which are as hard as nails inside? Or fall apart snowflakes with rainbow hair?

I say again that the best strategy is to be realistic, note but don’t indulge or wallow, feel compassionate for real victims, help them if possible but don’t self-pity, firm yourself up, gird yourselves and be watchful at all times … it will spring out of the shadows at you, make no mistake … don’t be foolish in your movements, saying, “Nothing can touch me because we’re in a civilised country with laws …”

Really?  Do you really think we still are in such a society? A tale from longtime reader Dearieme, about the wunnerful NHS:
Recently a friend received a phone call from the NHS. "Why did you miss your appointment this morning?"

"What appointment? I didn't have an appointment."

"You did; we wrote to you."

"At what address?"

They'd written, of course, to an old address that she had corrected them about not fewer than five times. The problem isn't "lack of resources" it's lack of elementary competence. The bastards!
Wake up to where we are, good reader … remember Amfortas’s words at the start of this post:
We have entered into a 'final' confrontation between Good and Evil, in which discernment of who is who will be very difficult.  
By any measure … religious, historic, anthropological, even in modern music, e.g. The Who … we are there now, fellow cavemen and women … are you going to don the armour and be useful, or are you going to fold … or are you going to become just as monstrous, by degrees, as globopsycho is trying to self-destructively get us to be?

And lastly … am I as mad as a hatter writing this way? With (All Hallow’s Day coming up, by the way … and that eve before it.) Have a nice Tuesday.


  1. James, it's possibly worthwhile reminding ourselves of some of the things that were revealed on YouTube before it decided to censor the truth.
    I refer to matters such as :
    the FEMA camps
    the 30,000 guillotines
    the millions of plastic coffins
    The billions of rounds of ammunition stockpiled by the civil authorities
    The recruitment and arming of tens of thousands of IRS personnel
    Granted these are all in the USA but who knows what the rats here have planned in secret
    These are now forgotten by us because we have such short memories. But they are probably still there, ready to be used against us.

    We cannot fight against this evil, the Bible tells us that is so. Therefore what is left is to protect ourselves and our families as best we can, against the coming tide of evil.
    I believe that the armour of God will protect us, but how many people know what it is or even know of its existence? And unfortunately, the so-called Christian churches both RC and Protestant are failing their adherents in this regard.

    1. John, you mention plastic coffins in the USA. I recall that the UK government were sourcing mass body storage facilities and body bags during the pandemic panic. Whether this is true or not I believe it could be uncomfortably close to the truth.

  2. I've always lent towards a non violent solution to our issues but now I lean the other way. I now don't see any other option and believe it is inevitable. They are happy to kill us with legislation and we don't have that option so we will have no choice but to break the law. It's simply civil disobedience at the next level.

    They won't chance because we have no way to push it. A once every five year vote for either of the arse cheeks doesn't do it. They make promises and then break them. Until decision have consequences then there is no reason to change bad decisions.


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