Friday 20 January 2023

Why The Sudden Change?

Canewdon Preschool and Daycare, in High Street, Canewdon, has been rated “requires improvement” in all areas by Ofsted following an inspection in November.

Oh, and why? 

It stated: “Staff do not help children to manage their feelings and emotions effectively or to understand how their actions affect others.
“When children's behaviour escalates, staff try different ways to explain why their response was inappropriate.
“However, this is not done in a way that helps children to understand, and they do not learn how to self-regulate their behaviour.”

Why is this an issue? More specifically, why is this the responsibility of the nursery staff, and not their parents? 

How old are these children? 

At the time of the inspection, there were 20 children on roll, all aged between two and four.


The preschool was previously rated “good” by Ofsted in an inspection in 2017.

So, what's changed? The staff? The children? Or the criteria for awarding the rating, perhaps..?


  1. I’d take anything from Ofsted with a pinch of salt; all they ever see is a snapshot during a brief visit (and while the staff are coping with the demand for multiple copies of every assessment and policy document).

    As for the children, daycare for under-3s is much like professional dog-walking; group supervision of animals belonging to - and ostensibly trained by - someone else with all the unpredictability that entails; very few 2-year-olds can ‘manage their feelings and emotions effectively’, with or without the help of staff.

    1. Oh, indeed! So why put it as a requirement, unless you're setting them up to fai....

      Oh. That's exactly what's happening, isn't it?


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