Thursday 19 January 2023

It’s all in the attitude, the behaviour, the sheer numbers … nothing else

The question this morning was which to run of the issues right now.

For example, there is Ardern, which ties in the WEF plus the enforced deathjabs, there are the pollies in Davos, there is Heels Up Harris being groomed for Pres, there’s the “gay” “couple” who’ve been investigated by Townhall in the US for sodomising their “sons” and hiring them out … think I might run with this one:

There is a distinct difference between some demographic increasing in numbers, running corner shops, paying taxes and becoming PM … as against a demographic which suddenly appears with a knife, screaming hallo snackbar and stabbing people or grooming thousands of native girls, pack raping, then murdering a fair few of them.

With attitude, as the Americans would say.  As the commenter above says, it all comes down to clashing cultures and dominance.  All eyes on the corner shop pair running the country with a WEFer holding the purse strings.

1 comment:

  1. Unfotunately we are not serious people any more. Look at the clown show that is Westminster.
    I saw a video that someone had taken of a couple of illegals emptying a donation pool/water fountain in a mall of its larger coins. Nobody did anything other than film them witth their phones so that they could be outraged online. People just look the other way or into their screens.
    We are a pathetic remnant of a once serious people.


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