Saturday 21 January 2023

Just some observations

(01:58 GMT) There's coming awake due to things such as ill health ... there's also coming awake due to other factors, including simply age.  The second is just part of those final years, plus low level stress due to everything going on out there, inc. personal loss.

For decades, my view in the face of several swords of Damocles has been: "It's not your actual situation which is the most crucial, imminent danger ... but how you feel about it."

The psycho has low stress coz he just doesn't care. Truly does not care. I was just reading of a crazy in Liverpool yesterday who drove a car at a mother and child, no racial factor. There was another in America but he was shot dead after a disgracefully lenient sentence.  And so it goes on.

What I'm suggesting to readers is that the zero stress of the psycho is an illusion ... that he's indeed a stressed out person to the extent of becoming an out of control Jason Bourne, a malfunctioning unit. 

Combine dozens of those out there with actual intent by those above, i.e. whoever activates  Manchurians and why ... that then brings in Dr. Shiva someone at Epoch in this morning's emailing who is an academic, Indian, probably Hindu, which ties in with this "wellness" thing I really should be fisking but where's the time?

Her premise was that the 1% ... which is code anyway for leftwingism ... they talk that way, in those terms, also about Capitalism and Climate Change ... that this 1% is deeply into divide and rule, as well as depopulation, which we know is one consequence of many things ... destroying farms and food, digital currency, the tech password mania demanding your phone number, also the deathjabs which, from those above now running for cover is an actuality, not a conspiracy theory, leading Gates to state let's put the poison in their food and water ... at this point, I stop and think:

The left come at this thing through the 1% pathway, whereas we come at it through the loss of freedom pathway.  The left then diverge into calling us callous bstds, into family, property, even God, into choice, whereas a hallmark of the Woke karen-left-SJW is no choice, deplatform, Antifa (verb) anyone disagreeing.  

Thus there's one of the points of irreconcilable cultural division, while we're both still being depopulated by Them above.  Me writing of Them is not a lot different to leftwing SJWs going on about the 1%.

The difference is that the loony left then cries out => dispossess anyone with money, take their homes, give em to us, the feckless on benefits, whereas we still cling onto notions of Lauranorder, of a society still functioning properly.


With not only homegrown Manchurians but also hordes of RNLI and Royal Navy imported fighting age crazies in hotels across the land, paid to go out and groom, rape and randomly murder, whilst Sunpak and Braverman smirk down upon us ... the big payback after C18th and C19th Imperialism ... you think we'll be back to normal anytime soon?

That's before we even get onto the whole rainbow versus tranny bullsh ... you saw, yesterday, the pair of sodomites in the US whom someone had allowed to adopt a child, duly sodomising their two adopted "sons" and hiring them out to other gay paedos.  It's on all the social media but of course ... not in the MSM, the normies' daily reality.  There are pics floating around of some girl of ten or so with scars where her breasts have been removed, plus you know what happens to boys.

Behind parents' backs.

How?  How possible that parents would not know?  Why no massed outcry?

Then freely available hardcore porn, more twisted by the day. And you still say there's no devilry afoot?  Just how many adults who could stop all this are standing neck deep in that river in Egypt?

Part of that denial is a desperate, last ditch attempt of the mind to utterly reject that which would dissociate that mind, split it, create a psycho. And any pundit such as me who dares draw attention to this is a serious loon, yes?  What do the Tories call it?  Swivel-eyed?  

I'd suggest it says far more about the denier than it does about me and other red-pillers like me ... I mean, given what we're observing every single day now ... before we even get to rampant corruption, zero moral compass ... DNR certificates, denial of HCQ and Ivor M. Ectin and similar ... and that's before even looking at Julia's legal fayre and truly wrong judicial judgements by people who've either lost their compass or else are in thrall to their masters or both.

There's a lady in the US called Code of Vets who wakes up on Twitter each morning with Greetings to the Sane.

Let's come back to stress relief.  There are the usuals ... alcohol, substances, music, film, porn, your kids, pets ... then those doing eastern yoga, itself highly suspect, then New Age guff, there's the One passed over which does work ... and then there's the "wellness industry".

One lot pumping out material on YT are called Psyche2Go. Aimed at young females mainly and SNAGs, the VO (voiceover) person narrating has a soothing voice, which I found restful, aiding late night sleep, along with hairdressing tutorials of all things ... again the soothing voice and I'm out like a light. Or music.

At one point, I explored, e.g. this one on depression, and well well well, guess what I found?  The VO herself is brave new world full tatts and nosebone, the people behind the whole show are Chinese.  Interesting how the Chinese thereby have a direct conduit into post-Millennial western minds... look at the sheer YT numbers watching.

At a few points in the series, she throws in about "casual relationships", the hookup, as if it's just part of  life's rich pageant, normal life rather than the societal wrecker it's become.  I'm suggesting false gods or too much too young, and shall leave it at that.

Which finally brings me to the practical side ... what can you do to stay this side of sane and keep the craziness away?  Well, I'd suggest for a start the things you eat, mild exercise and the things you watch, read and hear, also a highly developed off-switch.  (Even reading this post might be a no-no.) All of which are only partial solutions. There's always an age old One aped by the Masons.

I'd suggest that either way, esp. with the Davos macinations going on right now, noting that Blair's back there offering himself as next ruler of the world, you all have decisions to make, readers. Very soon.


  1. Now you come to mention it, perhaps Blair is likely to be Uncle Klaus's successor. I think maybe the Saatchi's had him bang to rights with that poster of theirs back in the day. The 'Eyes' one.

  2. I have found myself to be somewhat stressed recently, in that I feel uncomfortable if I'm not doing something useful. Not sure why, perhaps aftermath of c*v*d lockdowns, the suspicion that the government is out to kill me, or the coming recession.


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