Saturday 1 October 2022

DNACPR, the True Death Certificate of the ‘Beloved’ NHS

The video you have just watched is absolutely, one hundred percent true. When I recorded the words, I spoke from the heart.

I have initiated a Complaint with the Parliamentary Ombudsman, and I hope to figuratively batter this bunch.

They LIED TO ME, and I shall not rest until they are told that this was WRONG! 


  1. Thanks for that Grandpa. I have similar experiences with my mother and father. If only I knew then what I know now. The young doctor who explained to me that they will place a DNR notice on my father justified that by saying; 'you can't expect him to survive people jumping up and down on his chest'. Yes! His words, no mention of a defibrillator. My father went in compos mentis with just a broken leg. They couldn't fix that because of previous failed and cancelled attempts to stent that leg. So they amputated. The medications (opiates?) made him delirious. The nursing staff assured me that he was in that state when he was admitted. I knew that he was treated badly but didn't know what to do.

    Your experience, and your dogged pursuit of justice is a lesson to us all. Too late for my parents but maybe someone will see this and pay more attention when accompanying a loved one to hospital.

    Thank you Grandpa.


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