Wednesday 22 December 2021

I Think You Have A Different Idea Of What 'Botched' Means, 'Guardian'...

'Worse'..? They are executing people twice, then?

More than half of the states in the US have either abolished the death penalty or have formal suspensions in place, as the country’s use of the brutal punishment continues to wither on the vine.

For the 'Guardian', it's the judicially applied sentence that is 'brutal', ignoring the crimes that got them that sentence... 

Oklahoma botched its first execution in six years, that of John Grant who was observed convulsing and vomiting on the gurney.

Didn't 'botch it' at all. He's dead, isn't he? I don't suppose the cafeteria worker he stabbed to death while in prison went quietly and peacefully...

Reflecting a centuries-old distortion, more than three out of every four of the victims of this year’s murders ending in new death sentences were white. No non-white victim was involved in any case leading to a white person being condemned to death.

*shrugs* So? Maybe that tells you more about the nature of black on white murder than it does about 'racism'.. 

Those who died in 2021 at the hands of the Trump administration were Lisa Montgomery, a profoundly mentally-ill woman who had suffered a lifetime of abuse tantamount to torture; Corey Johnson who was severely intellectually disabled; and Dustin Higgs who indisputably did not kill anybody.

Interesting that the 'Guardian chooses to take out an onion for a woman who strangled a 23 year old pregnant mother-to-be before cutting the baby out of her womb and kidnapping it, a drug dealer whose 'intellectual shortcomings' didn't prevent him being responsible for killing seven people and the getaway driver for a serial killer who murdered three women while he waited in the car... 

I mean, there must be some people whose execution seems like it was wrong or unjust to normal-thinking people. But the left-wing media never seems to be able to find any.


  1. Britain used to export a very efficient lethal drug to America for executions. The alternative they used was less efficient, causing many prolonged deaths. The embargo may have been imposed upon us by the EU, I'm not certain.

    With their recent track record you'd have thought that Pfizer could have come up with a half decent vaccination against murder.

  2. I'm not against capital punishment; in fact the Bible says thou shall not murder, it doesn't say thou shalt not kill. And judicial execution is not murder, in fact the Bible also says those who live by the sword shall die by the sword.

    The question that I have is which method of execution is the most humane?

    The electric chair is unnecessarily cruel, I think.

    Chemical injection is too complicated and capable of being lengthy and painful.

    The gas chamber too is complicated and presents dangers to the executioners, as well as being a method that isn't instantaneous.

    So, does that mean the three methods I most associate with judicial executions; hanging, firing squad and guillotine; are the quickest and least distressing to those involved, including the prisoner? And if so, which option is the least worst, for the reasons presented above?


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