Monday 20 December 2021

Maybe This Doesn't Say What You Think It Says, Gary...

Perennial race-baiter Gary Younge opines once more:
We were not protesting against some new manifestation of racism in Britain, but the enduring nature of it. The YouGov poll from June revealed the percentage of non-white people who think racism was present in society 30 years ago is virtually identical to the proportion who think it is present today.

Maybe that does tell us something, Gary, but I suspect a lot of people - myself included - draw a rather different conclusion from it. 

And wonder why our government and all its agents seem hell-bent on appeasing people who can't, by this evidence, ever be appeased. Whose dissatisfaction with their lot in life isn't based on objective reality. And never will be. 

Here is my proposal. We should do this again; only without the Home Office. We could hold a series of themed public meetings, independent of political parties, across England, on a range of issues, at which a few experts and practitioners in each field could lay out the challenges and then open the floor for people to bear witness (race in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland has its own dynamics, and will need specific proposals).

Didn't Russia try this sort of public denunciation once? I'm sure it did. How'd that turn out, Gary?  


  1. "dissatisfaction"?

    They aren't dissatisfied, they're loving every minute of the preferences, special treatment, excuses and freebies. They're playing us, and my ire is saved for the idiots in authority who use the 'diversity' grifting to line their own pockets (and score brownie points with their woke friends).

    I'm disabled, live in a (strictly enforced) over-55 housing development. A bungalow came vacant (courtesy of the vaxx) and despite (literally) thousands of elderly, native (paid into the system for decades), disabled people queuing up to bid they gave it to ... a couple of fit twenty-something, black, gay foreigners (who are currently running a drug ring, partying nightly and making everyone else's lives a misery). But at least the housing association gets to fulfil its diversity quota this week.

    I'm currently waiting to face eviction for being an ist of some kind (or probably multiple variants) merely for pointing this out.

  2. IMO Racism was dying in the UK. In the late 80-s and early 90s it was barely making a noise in some racists home. Ordinary people didn't care. Then came +ve discrimination and people started to take note that it was right. Now racism is back and everyone doesn't like it* for very good reason so all these race haters out there. Well done.

    * Excluding a few, mostly women and girly men, snowflakes.


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