Friday 27 August 2021

You Could Alway, Oh, I Don't Know, Be A Parent?

This column is not, of course, about how the son will cope at all, Reader, you'll no doubt be unsurprised to hear... 

I have to tread carefully here, of course. I respect the protocols and think they should be followed. I’m also keenly aware that the prospect of 10 days without childcare is hardly the most onerous blow people have experienced in the past 18 months.

I'm sure those Afghans plummeting to their deaths from a US plane had your struggles firmly in their minds... 

In the end, my wife worked in the mornings and I took the afternoons. For his part, the boy was very pleased. He’s still pretty sketchy on his days of the week, but even he began to wonder why the weekend was lasting so long. Not that he was complaining; he delighted in the strangeness of his break like it was a summer holiday from a dead-end job.

That your son is delighted to have both parents actually pay him attention rather than farming him out to strangers should give you pause, if you possessed a shred of self-awareness. 

To be honest, it astonishes me that he relishes time away from nursery since I’ve been in that place and it’s amazing. I don’t want to be reductive, but I think I’d quite like a nine-to-five routine where I got to build Lego and play at water tables all day, with a dozen of my closest friends.

Remind me again, who's the child in this situation? 


  1. Makes one wonder if he 'outsourced' the initial kiddy-making job so he could be on his play station.


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