Friday 27 August 2021

Core sources

There are many pundits grappling with definitions, trying to get a handle on what's going on - here's one from Perry de Havilland:

What is happening in USA is indeed socialist but not Marxist socialism by any reasonable definition. Moreover, the establishment embracing radical identitarianism, the hysterical obsession with race, and using huge corporations as a vector for their ideology makes this far, far more like some lunatic strain of gonzo fascism really. The Woke anti-fascists really truly are far closer to fascism than 99% of the people they call fascist (which is pretty much everyone who is not them).

Each person tries to make sense of it within the constraints of his own reading and listening but almost inevitably, that reality is at least missing a few pieces, hence the confusion.  Tinfoil hatters, as we're vilified and have been since blogs began, have a set of definitions such as those of Weishaupt in 1776, manifestos, agendas, which have hardly altered:

  1. Abolition of all ordered governments 
  2. Abolition of private property 
  3. Abolition of inheritance 
  4. Abolition of patriotism 
  5. Abolition of the family 
  6. Abolition of religion 
  7. Creation of a world government 

While that was going on and then Karl Marx and the neo-Marxists with their five stage revolution - stage four being chaos and stage five being that nirvana they so crave in their simplistic theology, coupled with Adorno, Alinsky and the other Frankfurters and Friends, which Leary was part of in his own way - while all tht was going on, there's been a counter-set of values, a different agenda, in a series of books which includes such things as The Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes and various observations such as "woe is he who calls black white and white black", all of which is going on today.

And supplementing these can easily be added Yuri Besmenov from the 80s and his observation that the aim of this enemy, whoever it is, is to so alter perceptions that no one can any longer come to any sensible conclusions in the face of crisis.  In fact, that very confusion leads to fragmentation and polarisation, such that one set of brainwashed go around calling for "antivaxxers" to be incarcerated, the racists, the State happily acceding, aided and abetted by deep-captcha businesses, corporations, arms of govt and all sorts of agencies riddled throughout society, all which have been nobbled with pod people, place people.  Thus western society crumbles.

One aspect of the confusion is sites such as Daily Sceptic which are either controlled opposition or else they just miss the point, because of different source material for what "reality" is.  I've clashed with Perry before about definitions.  One set of people who might have followed OoL at one time are the left-libertarians and according to their sense of reality, none of this today makes any sense. 

Actually, if you look back at Weishaupt, who his masters were, his controllers, the whole game in America at that time [the statue of Ishtar in NY harbour and the copy in France are a dead giveaway when you look at their source], George Washington's quote about being quite satisfied that these people are doing what, essentially, is being done in 2021 - those sorts of things sheet it home to a quite clearly defined set of arcane thugs above in suits, the eternal-quislings who will sell out the nations when the time is ripe [sic].

And the game plan has never altered, no matter how it's tricked out, in which livery it proceeds, whether vaxx passport or eco-loonery such as Kyoto and the IPCC, plus the street thugs who occupy bridges.  There's one group, a UK group, I just looked up and here was part of its webpage:

Über uns: Unser Ziel ist Climate Connect: Zusammen etwas Verändern

Now isn't that interesting?  And if you explore it, it's based in Bavaria, where that very group named by Weishaupt is centred and also for Thule, for der Bruderheist, and not far from the Vecchi.  What the hell am I rabbiting on about?  My reply is that if you'd done your reading, instead of getting your reality from Daily Sceptic and other "soft", "respectable" sources, then you'd know how the thing works and where it's ultimately going.

The good news is that people are far less trusting of the MSM and the Uniparty in parliament than they were but many still go straight to the Daily MSM to learn what's happening - the shills, the trolls in other words.  Causing untold confusion over definitions.

War journalist Lara Logan, the one who had a reality check in Cairo about the death cult, came out the other day on Tucker [himself one with huge question marks against him, just as with Glenn Beck and Alex Jones], saying that it was quite simple what had happened in Afghanistan - gameplan.  Under the guise of surprise and no time to plan anything, oh dear, we're all so shocked, was the intention of handing that equipment to the forces arrayed against a free America and by extension, a free world.

As someone based there for a long time, she knew, as did many spetznas in Afghanistan, that Them knew full well what was going down, long ahead of time. See Operation Cyclone for a start.  And why stop there - go across to Kosovo, down to Darfur, earlier to Vietnam - the miscreants are so far in the open that nobody in any position in society can identify them.  Anyone heard of a man called Kissinger?  Kissinger, Kissinger - Nigerian name isn't it?  Not.  How about Warburg?  How about Solvay?  Bertelsmann?

Where would you look those up?  Google?  My aim is not to put down those not yet there but to just give a wake up call, that's all.  Your sources, good people, are everything - your core sources.  Because out of these come the bona fides for your opinion.

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