Monday 15 February 2021

Stop Pandering To These People!

Key witnesses at the Grenfell Tower public inquiry must not be allowed to give evidence “from their sofas”, survivors of the disaster have warned as hearings restart remotely over Zoom next week after a two-month Covid suspension.

Wait, I thought just a while ago you were whining about delays? Now it's going forward you're still unhappy?

Grenfell United said fully remote hearings meant traumatised members of the community would miss out on the catharsis of seeing figures with responsibility before the fire being held accountable in person.

Oh, FFS! This isn't the purpose of an inquest, and nor should it be... 

The inquiry last month decided to restart with fully remote hearings, although it has previously admitted video conferencing means witnesses “might relax and not feel the same pressure to be candid” or could be surreptitiously coached via text or email
If 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?' can crack this, I'm pretty sure the justice system can too!
The inquiry will ask witnesses to swear that they are alone in the room before they give evidence, but a spokesperson admitted there was an element of trust that witnesses would not use other devices.

Oh. Clearly not!  

Daffarn said: “So many of us have been waiting for so long for these people to be held to account in public. In my mind I have seen it playing out a thousand times. I have seen the courtroom, I have seen the witnesses I want to see struggling under the pressure they will be put under with the answers they cannot give … We need to get these people into the sunlight so we can feel cleaned by it as well.”

What you want isn't an inquest, or even justice. Sound a lot like revenge.  

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