Monday 1 February 2021

Incompetence and vice in the US rivals that of the UK and EU

Before this impeachment over there and before turning our attention back to Carrie Johncock and the mess in the UK, I do believe it’s become clearer now the utter s*** show it was which cost the presidency, to employ PB’s terminology.

Before that, word from the US that Halley is telling GOP voters that they’ve nominated loads of women for 2022 and donations are pouring in.  If they are, it ain’t from the ordinary MAGA.

Second is that Trump has just fired his two lead lawyers and announced new ones because they refused [the old ones] to include electoral fraud in the defence.  Which comes right back to the whole criticism by PB of Giuliani - he took it upon himself to thwart the wishes of the President and of the 74 to 80 million MAGAs to include precisely that.

Complication is that in legal terms in that Senate trial, with DemRats in control, the old ones might actually be right in a strict sense.  In other words, according to the corrupt terms of reference, no one on the GOP side will lift a finger for DJT if he refuses to be a good boy and play it their way.

Which comes back to the DemRat and GOP terror of the maverick Trump - that at his age, and with his sense of personal injustice, he’s going to break ranks and take the whole lot of the bstds down now. Which really does raise the spectre of assassination.

All right, I’ll post this now at 2:20 a.m. and add to it as the morning goes along between bouts of sleep.

Just to finish with Giuliani, whether it was due to his sheer bigheaded incompetence or corruption, can’t say, don’t know but clearly he held off Powell and Co and even misdirected them so that no one had organised anything about auditing machines in the least.  And thus the clock was run down.

Now go back to Christy O about the military brass and thus DJT got short shrift in that Texas meeting.  And Toodles might have been quite right about him having been on the road from Texas back to M-a-L.  That does not alter a lot.

I believe once DJT got back to M-a-L, found breathing space, he finally understood how he’d been served so abominably by those he’d trusted.  In other words, he’d been taken.

There is, though, a counter-view.  If he is one of the apices with some generals, then the triangle has always planned for the American people to rise and kill each other, which is behind the anti-2A being rolled out right now.  They know the gun majority will simply not accede.  They can’t do much about DC and corrupt states but they sure as hell ain’t giving up their guns - not in this climate.

02:39: Coming through now via the iffy Posobiec, is that journos kept details of the Lincoln Project boss’s paedo evidence until after the election.  Which also raises the question of why Roberts did the same, scheduling after Jan 20.  Why would he do that?  And what of the so-called conservative justices?  There is one alone - Alito.  All Trumps appointees failed to speak.  All.

Now, what is the DemRat/RINO main argument?  That Trump was angling to be a dictator.  If that could be sold to Reps and Senators, plus SCOTUS, then they’d of course go AWOL on DJT.  And in whose interests was it to buy that dictator line? In the interests of 98% of Washington - anyone who’d ever been to one of those parties or the spirit cooking or whatever - Omar’s bigamy.

Thus there is this bizarre phenomenon that the very reason DJT did not act forcefully on the fraud was he’s a states rights man in policy.  Was throughout the term.  The states knew it and the DemRat corrupted did him down, took full advantage.  Hoisted by his own petard.

02:52: Major Patriot just now: “ Now why would former "No Name" staffer, Lincoln Project Co-founder & Trump hater John Weaver lock his Twitter account? Is it because the elite media like the New York Times finally reported he inappropriately solicitated boys as young as 14?”

Meanwhile: “Retail sites overwhelmed with demand for physical silver today.” (Bloomberg). 

Also:” Biden looking to jam through a massive $2 trillion spending package without any SenateGOP support. Biden's Team is not interested in any 'horse trading,’ Todd reports.  US in great trouble.

Jennifer Aniston donated $5,000 to The Lincoln Project Pedophiles.

Those links again:


  1. Sorry, James, but your'e speaking in tongues here. Please elucidate "PB".
    Thanks for a different take on things.


Unburden yourself here: