Monday 1 February 2021

Why Are You Blaming One Man..?

My dad, Cliff Anderson, 88, was twice misdiagnosed and sent home from hospital a week before he died with Covid.
On the first occasion he was diagnosed with hypoglycaemia. He was diabetic, but religious in taking his medication, so I thought that was rubbish.
On the second, his notes said he had a chest infection, an unexplained dry cough and shortness of breath. I thought it could be Covid, but the tests were negative.
On the third occasion he had collapsed with an enormous Covid-induced stroke. The ambulance took four and a half hours to arrive at his home in Higher Shotton, north Wales.
And that was the last I saw of my dad. The consultant rang to say: “Your father has had a significant left lobe stroke and he’s Covid positive, and has Covid pneumonia.” And I just thought: “I’ve known this for a week. A week!” He had typical symptoms for the elderly.
He'd been shielding but they think an asymptomatic carer brought the virus into the house. It's a shocking indictment of the NHS and their... 

Today, I am just so angry at Boris saying he couldn’t have done any more.

Now, I think Boris is a buffoon whose lockdowns are going to eventually kill more people than covid, but unless he was moonlighting as a carer, I fail to see how he's somehow personally responsible for your father's death. 

It seems to me that there's a lot more people to blame. And they all work in the 'caring' NHS. The one that idiots clap like seals. 

He hadn’t closed the borders. Only now, almost a year on, he’s talking of closing them. There was no PPE for carers or doctors, exposing frontline staff to enormous viral load like cannon fodder. There was no testing until it was way way too late. There was “eat out to help out”. There was changing the rules constantly. There was backing that amateur, Dominic Cummings. I see Johnson’s father has had two vaccines. My dad never even got his letter. He still hasn’t.

You live in Wales, where your government has slapped draconian restrictions on people buying children's books and clothes, and had their police stopping people at the border. Yet the virus got through anyway. Brought in by the failing NHS and caring staff.

Not by Rishi. Not by Dominic. 

My father’s death was avoidable. We’d kept him safe for a year. He wasn’t a bloody number.

He was to the NHS though... 


  1. I am not a number! You are number 6.

    Lockdowns have now, without doubt, been shown to be pointless at stopping infections and also to be killing people.

    Bring back the spikes on London Bridge - I think we'll need about 650 of them

  2. Another death that needs to be blamed on Britain's filthy, disgusting, inefficient, incompetent and cruel NHS.


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