Saturday 10 July 2021

It just does not pass the test of simple logic

What we have here, ladies and gentlemen, is quite an impasse and it comes down to various demographics.  We know, for example, that children are being brainwashed in this CRT:

... which I can speak of myself, having worked in that area for a long time and having dealt with govt and its new UN guidelines.  There is also, unfortunately, a demographic in the field and they are the "pushers" of the ideology.

So, trolls of that demographic would always see the one link only above and say that if that's the sole link I have, then my "personal point of view" is not worth much - trolling by the playbook.  

There's another demographic which is the managerial class and supervisory class who push woke ideology in the workplace and and if you don't embrace it, you're ostracised, matey, put down or even thrown out.  Perfect example is over the new thalidomide, the various spike vaxxes.

So even those of us awake to the Woke in other areas and I suspect are even awake to the whole vaxx scam are nevertheless pressured, on pain of employment, to buckle and take the cursed thing, despite even these few links from the past few days:

Friday 9 July 2021

The Elphinstone Administrative Area

Afghanistan. As one writer stated, “How can you name it a Nation, when it is really four or five cities, and ten thousand villages, all tied together by tribal and family blood bonds, a religion which acknowledges no rivals; and a limitless toleration for corruption?”

For all the treasure we and America expended, with 2,349 American dead; not forgetting the British dead, 459 in bodybag numbers, as well as the numberless wounded, both physically and mentally, all the time we and our Allies spent in that sad, beautiful country: it was a complete failure. We never, ever learn from our failures. We failed in the nineteenth Century, we failed again over the last twenty years from different reasons; but we still failed. When Soviet Russia abandoned its invasion, and left, ignominiously, we in the West didn’t learn anything. When the second most ruthless Army and AirForce in the world admits it is beaten, shouldn’t the West’s politicians have at least checked what had happened? Checked before they hurled the most advanced military in the world at a force which was just above Stone-age technology?

The excuse for that invasion was, of course, 9/11, and the Taliban, along with Osama, were the targets. But, instead of getting the Afghan mullahs, the only body which really counted, to help rebuild an Islamic country, the Allies invited the Warlords back in, the very people which the Taliban had overthrown. We failed because we were not ruthless, we failed because the vast heroin trade was allowed to flourish. We failed because we brought women in to negotiate with village elders; in a country which routinely sets women as bearers of children, and nothing else. We failed because we said we were ‘Nation-building’. How can you rebuild a Nation which derides the very values you are trying to uphold?

Some eleven years ago, I wrote an essay about Afghanistan in 2050. I feel, that, in reading it now, by following the link, the reader may well agree with me that a modern China, a ruthless dictatorship capable of genocide of the Muslim Uighurs;  is well capable of the planning and action which is outlined within that essay.  

What Is Our Country Turning Into..?

The UK’s biggest business lobby group has called on the government to relax post-Brexit immigration rules...

Wait, why? help companies struggling with staff shortages to hire more workers from overseas.

Hire British ones instead! Oh, god, it's not the curry houses again, is it? 

The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) said the government needed to immediately update its “shortage occupations list” to include several areas where employers are finding it difficult to recruit staff, including butchers, bricklayers and welders.

Oh! That's some strange collection of occupations there... 

Pressure is mounting on hauliers, hospitality venues and the food and drink industry in particular, with companies scrambling to hire staff as pandemic restrictions are relaxed and demand for goods and services returns.

Well, how many unemployed do we have? 1.6 million? I think we can find some there, can't we? 

A government spokesperson said: “Employers should invest in our domestic workforce instead of relying on labour from abroad.
The government carefully considered the migration advisory committee’s findings and recommendations on the shortage occupation list, but decided not to make wide-scale changes while we monitor the new skilled worker route and assess how the UK labour market develops and recovers post-pandemic.”

Quite right. Let's use the resources we have, rather than purchasing foreign ones. 

Thursday 8 July 2021

Tomorrow's planned global power outage

Friday July 9th's power grid collapse:

The relevant part of the vid finishes at 10.50 - rest is an ad.

All right, the point of the exercise for us is obviously if it happens, if it happens just in America, just in a local area ... or is a damp squib. Whatever.  

Point is, they trot out Schwab to flex the global muscles with just that right touch of Teutonic criminal insanity to freak everyone and if they manage to destroy enough, they warn, blofeld like, "Let that be a warning to you, humanity."  As if humanity needs that.

So, if you have any work or blogging plans tomorrow - good luck.


Dig from Corey:

Also found this in passing - 20 years old.

"GM corn set to stop man spreading his seed":

The wayback machine could not help here so you'll need to do your own exploring:

[H/T Distant Relative]

Wednesday 7 July 2021

Well, Who Are You Going To Believe..?

The people who live there?

David, who is 79 and retired, said he did not view the area as having a severe lack of community spaces. “We’ve got the whole of the beach, the whole seafront,” he said. “We have plenty of community spaces, I would say. It doesn’t feel like we are lacking anything at all.”
This sentiment is shared by Mark Allen, who has been running Munchies cafe on the seafront of the Norfolk seaside town for nine years.
“I don’t think we are lacking in community spaces. I actually think that areas like this are lovely and have a nice local community feeling. I wouldn’t say there’s a noticeable lack of community spaces.”

Or the 'experts'?

The analysis, conducted by Oxford Consultants for Social Inclusion of public assets in the worst-off council wards, found that left-behind neighbourhoods on average have a disproportionate lack of social infrastructure in comparison with the national average.

So, the experts are wrong (again)? it a matter of how 'community spaces' are defined?

Kyra Drake, 25, who has been working for the charity and cafe for two years, recognises that although the cafe has a role as a community hub for locals, the area would benefit from an increase in development and funding for community spaces.
“I’d like to see more supported community spaces for LGBT people and other minorities in particular,” she said. “I think it’s really important that more community spaces like that exist in Yarmouth North, and we don’t have anything of the sort currently.”

Aha! Is that a clue I see, perchance? 

Tuesday 6 July 2021

A definite attempt to sap morale

In a post at N.O. [my site over there, Julia's is HERE], I addressed two key words yesterday - morale and knowledge.

The PTB, the Brass, however you like to define Them, are most certainly attempting to sap the first and suppress the second.  Like duh - you'd have to have been on the Planet Zog not to see that.  All right, check this out:

Monday 5 July 2021

Just What Is It You Think 'The Wider Electorate' Cares About, Mustafa?

Mustafa Al-Dabbagh, a spokesperson for the Muslim Association of Britain, said: “We’re speaking to British Muslims on a daily basis and they feel alienated. Muslims feel like they are not being taken seriously by the leadership on the Labour party. There seems to be an attitude that Muslims have always voted Labour, so they’re always going to.”
He said the party needed to take a stronger stance on tackling Islamophobia as well as on foreign policy issues. “The Conservatives have left Labour with an open goal to come and engage with Muslim constituents and it’s not doing so. You have a government that ignores foreign policy issues like Palestine and Kashmir, and you have an opposition that equivocates,” he added.

Because I can tell you - it's not what happens in other countries, it's what happens in the UK... 

“When you’ve got Labour party officials briefing frankly Islamophobic statements and making Muslims feel like they’re not part of the wider electorate then I’m sorry, what do you expect from us?” he said.

If your concerns are purely for foreign policy, then you're not part of the wider electorate, are you? 

Sunday 4 July 2021

The South will save the Union

Isn’t it ironic that it will be the southern states which end up saving the Union from the traitors in DC, NYS, California, Oregon, Washington State, Vermont, and so on.  Here’s a battle song to help it along:

Saturday 3 July 2021

"Vaccine" "crapshoot"?

Omega Media:
So they are giving saline shots for some people, We know this is an experiment.
Have you heard of a "double blind"??? They have to do some PLACEBOS as well or it isn't a real study... its called the "control group"   Now you know why that is happening. 
Vaccine Crap shoot ...
Clinical trials are prospective studies in which humans are exposed to “something” at the discretion of the investigator and followed for an outcome. The purpose is to draw inferences about the potential effect of the “something” on a target population represented by trial participants.

This is quite ok by most people, is it?