Monday 5 July 2021

Just What Is It You Think 'The Wider Electorate' Cares About, Mustafa?

Mustafa Al-Dabbagh, a spokesperson for the Muslim Association of Britain, said: “We’re speaking to British Muslims on a daily basis and they feel alienated. Muslims feel like they are not being taken seriously by the leadership on the Labour party. There seems to be an attitude that Muslims have always voted Labour, so they’re always going to.”
He said the party needed to take a stronger stance on tackling Islamophobia as well as on foreign policy issues. “The Conservatives have left Labour with an open goal to come and engage with Muslim constituents and it’s not doing so. You have a government that ignores foreign policy issues like Palestine and Kashmir, and you have an opposition that equivocates,” he added.

Because I can tell you - it's not what happens in other countries, it's what happens in the UK... 

“When you’ve got Labour party officials briefing frankly Islamophobic statements and making Muslims feel like they’re not part of the wider electorate then I’m sorry, what do you expect from us?” he said.

If your concerns are purely for foreign policy, then you're not part of the wider electorate, are you? 


  1. Poor muslims, victims once again.
    Now, about that teacher you've hounded into hiding for fear for his life?

  2. I guess the best way to overcome Islamophobia is for Islam to stop being scary.


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