Saturday 10 July 2021

It just does not pass the test of simple logic

What we have here, ladies and gentlemen, is quite an impasse and it comes down to various demographics.  We know, for example, that children are being brainwashed in this CRT:

... which I can speak of myself, having worked in that area for a long time and having dealt with govt and its new UN guidelines.  There is also, unfortunately, a demographic in the field and they are the "pushers" of the ideology.

So, trolls of that demographic would always see the one link only above and say that if that's the sole link I have, then my "personal point of view" is not worth much - trolling by the playbook.  

There's another demographic which is the managerial class and supervisory class who push woke ideology in the workplace and and if you don't embrace it, you're ostracised, matey, put down or even thrown out.  Perfect example is over the new thalidomide, the various spike vaxxes.

So even those of us awake to the Woke in other areas and I suspect are even awake to the whole vaxx scam are nevertheless pressured, on pain of employment, to buckle and take the cursed thing, despite even these few links from the past few days:

And so it goes on:

Thrombosis is a major problem with COVID. And with the adenoviral vectored SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. And with the mRNA vaccines. What do they all have in common? They produce Spike protein.

Plus, if they're watching the MSM, esp. on tele, as the elderly are, they're susceptible - even though they know not to trust govt on anything whatever as a default position.  

Thus we get the argument of a friend of mine who is very much awake to the scam which I'll get to in a short while below, but his mother, who only uses the MSM, doctor's practice and peers as her reality, takes the view that as they're not going to be around much longer, better to have the double poison and at least be protected from covid in the short term.

Except the whole argument is specious.  Oh no, elderly ladies assure you, my doctor says it's perfectly safe and effective and people like Higham are nutters.  Then along comes the data that whatever effectiveness jabs one and two had against the 2020 variant, it is only 10% effective against the Delta, therefore a third jab or fourth is needed. Then, as Wuhan churns out another variant in October ...

... and so on.  Double jabs and lockdowns in perpetuity.   

And bless their hearts, the elderly, but they simply cannot and will not see that they're not likely to die in  a month or year, they might even have five or so years left ... even more.  Yet they're from a generation which is completely compliant and reliant on "experts"...  people like Fauci, Birx, Ferguson, Whitty.

And when people like us explore these clowns masquerading as health experts, when we go ferreting, guess who are viewed as the troublemakers?  

But it gets worse - there is "shedding" to take into account.  Now, what does a loving son who looks after his mum do?  Pressure from work, pressure from the NHS, pressure from mother.  

Let's get off the victims for now, poor sods, and let's look at the specious arguments.  Vaccines take years to develop, minimum two years of clinical trials for any one particular variant, nowt to do with new variants.  If we run with the argument that the double jabs have been proven safe, then by definition, trials must have started in mid to early 2019.  

Before anything happened.

The only other position is that oh, we were caught unawares, despite Event 201 in October 2019, we have to do something, some bright spark decides it's a spiffing idea to try this spike protein idea, plus in Hancock's case, the family stood to cash in big.  Yes, they say, trials are still ongoing - meaning everyone taking it is part of the experiment, despite clinical evidence now getting out of many deaths from it.

In law, there is such a thing as "reasonable doubt" - I'd say what's coming out now is far more than just reasonable doubt, it is grave concern, with the emphasis on the first word there. My own official position on the NHS computer is "undecided", I'm waiting until late August to "decide".

Am I left alone?  Am I heck, every few days I'm texted to come in for this or that test.  Now isn't that interesting - I'm reading on many sites how they can't get basic treatment but I'm personally getting Rolls Royce treatment, grave concern - wonder why?  Oh, they casually added, you will need the card if you go to hospital X for a blood test.  And we're reviewing your heart meds too.

You do see where it's all going.  Why do the two words Nuremberg and Hippocratic keep passing through the mind?

And then, of course, we get onto travel to various countries but this post is getting long enough.


  1. This is precisely what we’re talking about shoddy scholastics. Our resident ferreter DR got straight onto the bona fides of the new thalidomide proponents and has just reported:

    “ This pile of poop was top of the list just now under "events" on twitter.

    "COVID-19 vaccines do not violate the World War II-era Nuremberg Code, according to fact-checkers
    The 10-point guidelines established in response to Nazi atrocities during the Holocaust are unrelated to widespread COVID-19 vaccination efforts, according to Lead Stories,, RMIT ABC and other fact-checkers. Moreover, the Nuremberg Code does not apply to COVID-19 jabs, according to Rappler and Full Fact, because they have undergone extensive clinical trials and have received emergency use authorization around the world."

    The link to factcheck in that piece says "page doesn't exist".

    Irony much?”

    Indeed. The whole vaxx saga is mired by as many mistruths as the nightingale hospitals - lies, damned lies and stats. Peeps - we’re being lied to for reasons of political agenda.

  2. Their endgame is becoming clearer by the day. Thanks ferreters, I'm grateful for your gleanings. The virus doesn't bother me and hasn't since early last year. Spike shedding does worry me a bit so I only leave the house when necessary. Pubs are no longer inviting places, where else is there for an old curmudgeon? Having experienced the ups and downs of life I have a few tins of soups, meat, fruit an so on stored away. Not a hoarder nor a prepper, just experienced. The article linked here last night about banning beef and lamb has told me to up my game a bit. Travel, I've done it. Doctors, if they could be trusted I would consult one. Thank heavens I'm not in your situation James. Now, first thing tomorrow I'll order logs and smokeless nuggets. Then off to the shops for tins of soup, corned beef and stewed steak. I recall Ol' Remus' words of wisdom: "one is none, two is one, better have three of everything", and best of all, "avoid crowds".

  3. These wicked people; and there are many thousands of them, even if the individuals concerned don't realise they are; will never stop until they are stopped.
    For me, I cannot foresee how man is going to stop them. So, all we can do, I think, is try to warn our family and loved ones of the dangers and do what we can to keep ourselves safe.


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