Thursday, 12 December 2024

So why indeed are we paying compensation to former criminals?

We learn this morning that homosexuals who were justly dismissed from service in the past with Her Majesty’s Armed Forces because they broke the law against Homosexuals; are to receive compensation and possible restoration to the rank previously achieved.

My question is simply:Why?

They knew that they were breaking the Law when they were  serving, they knew the consequences, but they did not resign, but instead waited until they were ‘outed’ before being dismissed from the Service they were serving in.

I repeat, they knew they were breaking the Law which governed their behaviour; so why on this Earth should we, as taxpayers, fund this weird ‘compensation’?


  1. My questions are:
    Who's asking for this compensation, for how long have they had this bee in their bonnet and why?
    Who in the Houses of Parliament are pushing for it, for how long and why. And why is it now an issue rather than years ago?
    And what involvement has Whitehall had in this matter?

  2. I can imagine the flood gates will be opened: "Dear Kier Starmer, I was once arrested in the 1990's for shoplifting to fund my expensive spangly Drag Queen wardrobe. As a victim of transphobia by the Police, I demand compensation."

  3. say ton laughing spreads his wings…

    yeah. not original,
    but yet…


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