Saturday 21 September 2024

Of matters European

Were you to look back, say, at articles from 2006 to 2010, some of those things are now water under the bridge, issues at the time, some were shown to be maybe misplaced fears, excessive dot joining in the current tradition of St Greta and AOC ... but some still stand up and are worth a read.

The downside of openly presenting, posting, is that you can be more easily clobbered ... goes with the territory ... I just went looking for some old posts on education and guess what, surprise surprise ... they were gone ... yes, they're on stick somewhere but not here at home.

The point in this post is not the substance of the articles ... that substance can be found again with some diligence and alt-sources ... the point is that someone ... not some algorithm, not some AI or bot but at least one human ... went through that material, saw that it was directly challenging education today and linking it to the past ... and they just removed it, holus bolus.

Stop and think about that a moment.  Think about the sort of mind which would do that, quite without any respect for "intellectual property rights" I think they call it.

Below this line are some links ... I've checked out two, don't know about the rest ... good luck ... but I'd take a guess that most would have been removed ... those which have ... look again at the wording of the heading ... and that, rather than the content, as mentioned above, is the point of this post.

On-line Articles & Essays
Historical Deceptions: European Union by Joel Skousen (on-line essay). Insightful and informed commentary on the dangers of the EU and how it affects all of us. Taken from World Affairs Brief

An Essay on the Trial By Jury by Lysander Spooner (on-line essay). Excellent essay on the real importance and role of the jury. Once you’ve read this you’ll never look at trial by jury the same again.

A Sceptical Introduction to the European Union by Richard Greaves (article). As the title suggests, an introduction to the EU touching upon its major institutions, monetary and banking system, Europol, Corpus Juris, and other prominent elements. From The Sovereignty Journal

Corpus Juris and the Threat to British Common Law Rights (web article)

The “New European Soviet” by Vilius Brazenas (magazine article). Mr. Brazenas at ninety plus remembers most of the major events of the last century. He claims the EU is rapidly descending into totalitarianism and tells us exactly why it could be no different.

The Law is Above You: The Christian Roots of English Common Law by Michael A. Clark and others (web article)

Britain’s Unique Heritage of Law Threatened by an E.U. Police State: A Napoleonic System of Repression Now Confirmed in Corpus Juris (web article)

Corpus Juris by Stealth. Long web page with updates on current British-EU topics and how they affect our freedom. (web article)

The Fascist Inheritance in the European and Blair Projects by Edward Spalton. Available on-line at

United States Foreign Policy (speech) by Secretary of Agriculture, Ezra Taft Benson). An elaboration on national sovereignty and the true meaning of nationalism; given at the Farm Bureau Banquet in Preston, Idaho, June 21st 1968.

Europe’s New Constitution: Philadelphia It Is Not by Patrick Basham and Marian L. Tupy (web article). A comparison of the proposed EU Constitution and the US Constitution. This article was published by Scripps Howard News Service, March 4, 2003.

The EU Constitution is Incompatible with Ours by John Bingley (speech). A plain and well-argued address pointing out the illegitimate position of the EU Constitution within the context of the British Constitution.

H/T IPJ/J. Andrew

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