Thursday 27 June 2024

Someone wants total division and conflagration

My questions today include … how on earth does such a cover (below) improve race relations?

Does it not just vigorously underscore pre-existing biases? On the fringes, that sort standing on the table starts race wars.  Same with the deathculters in Britain … all the young, Woke 5304* just playing into the rapists’ and murderers’ hands, again just underscoring public perceptions.

And then someone like this appears … Melanie King … who is fully on-topic, without the race resentment of a Candace Owens … MK minces no words over the Fani Willises, Letitia Jameses, the corrupt judges etc. etc.

So there are two clear sets of behaviour going on and someone up high, some organisation(s), are exploiting it to the full because they want total conflagration, it’s their agenda … yea, even between the sexes. As if we don’t have enough division.


* Code for hoes

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