Friday 28 June 2024

First quick take …

 … on the “debate” I didn’t watch as I fell asleep first for six hours.

The result you can get from your own honed “resourcing” … my first move, after a prayer for y’all was to see what Toodles the Bama gal had sent … reaction by reaction … yep, now to G*b who are no beg pardons and I prefer for hard news to X, which is either social or big players in stock positions.

All right … one of the opposition first (AOL):

… and one of our “gang”:

The talk of replacing Biden … who with?  Big Mike?  Newsom?  What of Trump’s VP.  Nothing yet, I’d like Carson … never Gabbard, Haley, probably not Noem, possibly he might with Sarah Huck.  Kari Lake? I’m sure he was looking at Elise Steph.

All right, now to look at X, then my fellow pundits …

1 comment:

  1. Mike Obama or Shrillary Clinton, I reckon.Not certain who would be the Veep, but it would mean a fourth term for Barak or a third term for slick Willy, running things from the background. Neither one would willingly give up the power of the office.
    Ther alternative is laughing girl Kamala. We really are f*cking doomed.


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