Saturday 25 May 2024

Perspective and due diligence … if we’re to fight back

Once again, the intention was to keep my OoL contributions and those at N.O. separate, yet once again … ho hum.

Starting with Winston himself:

Faith in ourselves? Or faith in the power to guide and protect, to give courage provided by the very faith underpinning western society itself, giving meaning to the word “western”? 

But dare suggest this to the godless and there is mass exodus … today’s people do not wish to know.

Part of the mindset we do need to develop, the calm cynicism, the knowledge of right and wrong, comes from due diligence, which is what our sites try to pursue afap. There are quite a few pundits now stating realities, such as James Melville, describing himself as “Made in Fife. Scottish diaspora,” who wrote yesterday:


We’re particularly seeing the totalitarian side in Germany and in the Netherlands right now, in Poland, where any whistleblowing of any kind is being met by quite draconian threats of incarceration for years … the aim of course being to intimidate, also dragging Britain back into the totalitarian EU via traitors such as Tavistock’s Pigboy Dave and others.

And what of those not speaking out at all, such as this unnamed Tory MP?

In other words, love, he did nothing, said nothing in protest, “kept his head down” and his job and benefits secure … consider this other view:

Not acting when courage actually required them to. And this is a “good” MP to vote for?  

Even to vote or not to vote is a fraught question, yes, surrounded, infiltrated by parachuted-in snakes of low talent and morals:

Yes … everyone who lost a loved one or who was vilified during covid … tell them about “good MPs”.  Yet there are realities, no … these creatures are still in power, are they not, and they’re attacking again, including people like Hancock, only now welcomed back to the fold.

And their game? Their game is a refined gambit of “taking offence”:

I repeat … these people are still in power, even having been invited back. Meanwhile, where does your own reality come from, your perspective? I’d suggest not from the MSM for a start and yet certain of us persist, against all odds, at giving the MSM the time of day.

Here’s an example of a local rag downunder reporting the death of the CBD or central business district or Main Street if you like:

Why are people not frequenting shopping centres now? There are various answers but the reality is that centres are dying, whilst iphones and online purchasing rule. And all these firms, institutions, the MSM, even local rags, speak in NuSpeak:

Not just children … stop teaching doctors and nurses lies, NHS. And what of all these brand new medical conditions? Not new to the sufferers but more scaremongering for the public in general, to keep us fearful, in a state of confusion about which way to turn?

Our Andy points out such a thing:
Why do I think that we are going to see more such diagnoses of this condition in the coming years?
There are all sorts of things, aren’t there but I suppose if the young start waking up to all this going on, then that’s at least a few steps for’ard. Andy again (at NOWP):

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