Friday 24 May 2024

Maybe You Shouldn't Be The Head Of Nursing Then, Nicola?

A great-grandmother bled to death after nurses failed to pass on worried relatives' concerns to doctors as her condition deteriorated over more than a week, an inquest heard. Hospital bosses accepted there had been a 'very serious error' in the treatment of retired weaver Margaret Clement, a mother of three, grandmother of six and great grandmother of nine, known by family and friends as Peggy.
You won't be suprised, Reader, to find it's a hospital that has form...
Concluding an inquest into Mrs Clement's death this week, Area Coroner Chris Long said he will be issuing a prevention of future deaths notice containing a series of recommendations.

It seems the hospital made the error of neglecting someone who was the relative of someone with a big pulpit. 

Mrs Clement's granddaughter, Rebecca Jane Sutton, a GB News broadcaster and former deputy leader of UKIP, said: 'The pain and distress my gran felt at this time is beyond immeasurable, but the undignified ending is something she would have been furious about.
'I think it's a culture within the trust. The culture of the ward she was on was basically to do nothing.
'Nobody with a serious medical condition should be safer at home than in a hospital.
'It's outrageous but there's been so many people I've spoken to with similar experiences. I'm concerned this may be happening in other trusts.
'We trusted in the hospital trust but we were gaslit.
'They told us she just needed fluids but she was dying.'

And how is the hospital going to assure the public they've 'learned lessons' and this won't happen again?  

During an inquest held this week at Preston Coroner's Court, Nicola Robinson, the head of nursing at East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust, conceded that it had been a 'very serious error' when nurses had failed to alert doctors when Mrs Clement became unwell.
Ms Robinson admitted to the coroner that she 'can't promise' the situation will not happen happen again.'.



  1. Sadly I've been there. My mother was in hospital and all it was, was a box ticking exercise. There was no care involved, or even treatment for that matter (treatment is not being left on a ward unattended). That I could just about stand as relatives visited her and made sure she was looked after enough to get better (despite the poor level of care from the hospital). But when a nurse didn't get the correct SATS reading from a finger sensor and then put it on my mother's ear (thereby getting a better - but not accurate reading) I put in an official complaint. And the complaints administrator asked me "what do you want us to do?" er, train your staff better? Tell them falsifying medical records is a criminal offence? Was my reply.

    1. My experience mostly mirrors your own. I feel for people with no relatives to fight for them.

  2. The NHS is a corrupt death cult. There's plenty of evidence to support that assertion and I sent my MP some of it about 4 or 5 years ago. But there was no interest in doing anything.


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