Thursday 4 April 2024

Are Conform just another division of the Uniparty

Will they fold and sell you down the river to the sea just as the Tories have and Labour are about to? Tice’s stunt in the Ukraine was also a red flag.


  1. As I understand it, the Reform party is being funded by Mr Tice. That's a serious weakness and for me it's of great concern.
    Will I vote for them? It's likely I'll spoil my ballot paper for the third General Election in a row.

  2. Reform appears to be staffed by rank amateurs, who I'm sure if they get elected, will be run rings round by the civil service. Right now who can name a shadow minister in the Reform cabinet? yeah, thought so. If Reform want to be taken seriously and not as a protest vote, they need to up their game and Richard Tice needs to start deputising and letting other people in Reform take the spotlight so we can see what we're getting if we vote for them (other than "non of the above").


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