Saturday 2 March 2024

Sunak and the backlash, part two

This is tweeter June Slater’s reaction to the whole crim clown show:

The media deserve all they get.

For eight difficult years I have spoken out about freedom. The freedom to leave the failing corrupt self serving EU, is where it began for me.

I have earnestly researched, caught them out in their lies, cover ups and scams. Their bias was clear, they were firmly in the remain camp. Little did we know, that even though we won, we'd failed. We didn't expect the years of stalling from politicians fuelled by media support.

From Theresa May, Gina Miller and die in a ditch Boris, they managed to deliver BRINO a costly noman's land that gave a slice of the country away for good measure. Just 11 weeks after Brino, we locked down for some mysterious virus, part of the common cold group, where a Blairite remainer scientist over egged the custard of the risk of death. Dodgy guesswork passed off as modelling.

I never expected them to go this far, crushed by our own government as Western nations followed suit and The Tony Blair Institute gleefully announced it was embedded in governments across the world to advise on restrictions.

The enslaugt of corporate communism now firmly in their grasp.

All jockeyed along by the prostitutes in the media. Happy to be paid to back up a needless fear filled narrative , responsible for more harm than good.

They also fuelled the throw away comment of labelling people ' far right', despite not having a clue what it really means.

Mixing up their facts, allowing us to be labelled Nazis, despite the fact the Nazis were socialists.
 Personally, I've managed to live my life with a degree of success, I've been a decent boss, no one left my employment because they were unhappy or unfairly treated. I've kept a clean respectable home, rescued dogs and been generous with my step children, both with my time and resources. 

I've never been on any marches, broken the law, apart from minor traffic offences. and been a support for many people during lockdown who had no one else to turn to. I tenaciously handled problems that MPs and councillors should have dealt with, where were you exactly? I have never even joined a political party, so forgive me if I take offence at being called far right, just because I can see decline in every institution and service our government is involved in, all left unchallenged by the opposition.

As for the media, I see a disingenuous approach that has the ability to steer the narrative in the wrong direction.

Yesterday George Galloway gave them a taste of what they should have had much sooner. This is not support for his politics, just an acknowledgement of the skill factor that's missing in The Commons.

He called out a prime minister that has been placed like a chess piece in the job, and has ignored obvious dangers that we have had to live with in our forgotten mill towns across the country for years, and finally steps up to the plate when MPs are at risk. Far right is the label ordinary tax paying working and retired people have had slapped on them . It's the label used for the cancelled celebrities, that had the decency to say..stop, enough.

We need change.

I am personally sick of the label and refuse to wear my verbal yellow star of contemp. Your empty virtue signalling days are over. 

Common sense is on the up. We reject stupidity on every level.

7:47 AM · Mar 2, 2024

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