Sunday 24 March 2024

It's never too late

Let's start with us, ourselves, and try to make this calm and to the point, without any panic, as panic, rabbits in headlights, trembling, is the psych reaction we must at all costs reject in ourselves ... if we want to live.

Let's look at overall numbers within any given western nation. Yes, the "westerner" still makes up the vast majority, moreso in the countryside and small towns, far fewer in the cities, e.g. Bradford, London, Chicago, NYC, SF ... leftwing places, leftwing or "world" culture.  Overall numbers.

Consider the western girl, head bashed by black girl, brain damage, now breathing. Let's consider the physical strength, the stock we're looking at respectively. Kumbaya candle vigilists, the greatest crime getting someone's pronouns wrong, the viciousness of the weak person ... en masse ... the "refugees welcome" generations.

Now consider the physical and mental stock of the invaders ... their hardness, callousness, their capacity for enduring hardship, on very little food. As was seen in the Moscovsky oblast or outer area in the NW ... it was like a knife through butter, it was lambs to the slaughter.

Part of it has been the loss of the psych war ... the MSM, "entertainment", interpersonal behaviour ... all satanised, me me me, hormonal teenage girl reaction to almost everything, from vicious attacks, lashing out,  to gluing hands to roads to total inner collapse, the entire, coordinated wellness industry.

What was it Robert Zimmerman sang? Your sons and your daughters are beyond your command. What were we like? Clambering up climbing frames, falling off, grazing our knees, riding our bikes or walking, house chores ... we were the generation during which true toughness faded, died.

The generation before ... toughened by necessity, rationing, austerity ... the war generation. Gen X? Bits of metal over the body, tatts, yet brittle as crisps inside ... feminised. Millennials? Zoomers? Teachers and evil clinics all over ... there's a Tavistock centre up the road from here for body mutilation for youth ... shhhhh, don't tell mum and the current man who services her.

Fathers? Free of any responsibility, not in the home, more generally alone, jaundiced view of female meat as receptacles. Why not? Look at female behaviour at the death knell end of feminazism ... who'd go near it?

Now look again at the invaders ... the very worst elements from those lands, hardly the brightest and best. Somalia for goodness sake! Ten mindless Orc gunmen, ten thousand sensitive human souls at a concert? Tajikistan? Whateverstan?

Now add religion to those ten Orcs, to justify their behaviour ... fanatical hatred, mission to slaughter, unless you are suddenly converting ... you heard the imam ... door to door they're going, asking are you already a deathculter ... if not, think of Oct 7 in Israel. Think of subsequently in Gaza.

Oh but that's over there, we're here, different other thing. 

Is it? River to the sea lightshow on Big Ben tower? Hamas marches every weekend?

How do we westerners react? In America ... MAGA. In Britain ... we're on X, posting pics of a Better Britain from the past ... very pretty pics to be sure, very nice people. Deep rejection of how it's all fallen away. Fear deep inside, that which cannot be expressed or you'll be arrested for far right hate crime.

No actual action ... yet.

The Church ... the God of your childhood ... it's all been in songs on the airwaves, in the music ... all gone away, not fit for purpose, cathedrals becoming mosques or leisure centres ... in a modern idiom of course ... graceless ... brutal. Govt ... the less said the better. The media? Hidden govt portal into your home, your car during its final years, the Message in every waiting room.

Rainbow pride time ... pride in perverted pleasures ... taught to children in schools and libraries ... woof woof. Sodom and Gomorrah.

How far are you just now from a Godfearing, family husband or beloved wife? The happy patter of tiny feet? Is the man the breadwinner, the wife taking care of the home economy ... at home? Why not in each case?

Why in this time of war, were there not at least armed guards, a dozen minimum, at any venue with more than a thousand people there?  A shopping centre for example? Not arresting the piano player at the airport piano but eyes on the deathculters? Any guards are trained to look away from real threats now, aren't they ... only look at the harmless as hate crims. Do you see how twisted all this is?

If the last tough generation capable of fighting these Orcs was the war generation, possibly the first half of the boomers ... now far too old to stand up to savages on slaughtering rampages or mass praying in the streets ... what hope subsequent whiny generations? They'll just sit there like the Eloi, won't they? Bewildered to the slaughter. Will Plod or the Milley army defend them? The army's over in the Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, innit?

Time to get real? What chance people will? Before it's too late?

Is it too late?1969 this song came out:


  1. We may outnumber them but it isn't a fight where they compare two numbers and decide who wins. They are not wusses like we are now and I'm sure they outnumber us where they are. They take that first then move into the next area. All the time we will be whinging on blogs and our leaders will be banning any resistance and jailing any of us that dares to put up a fight and wins.

    Our best hope is that they take out the politicians and then maybe they will sing a different tune. Their protection won't help them with people prepared to die to get them.


Unburden yourself here: