Saturday 5 August 2023

Are you truly aware just how vile these people are?

… and what a huge thrill it is for them to be doing it? Methinks we really need to think this one through.

Juanita Broaddrick, by and large, would be seen by “our side” as one of the goodies but she’s still afflicted by a particularly virulent strain of dogoodism which is really quite inappropriate:

As explained by a gabber monikered as vaax saabath:

oh Juanita, you have to understand that that's not how any of this works

unless they can force you to unwillingly participate, they don't have a "lifestyle"

that's why they're groomers, that's why they seek out and rape children, it's why they betray people around them every chance they get and why they create storms of drama

this is why it used to be illegal

Every “good” person I know wants to be seen as “eminently reasonable”, which is a commendable stance in a stable, civilised society … a mindset greatly to be desired and admired … except we’re not now in such a society.

For example, Schwab’s daughter has come out saying that there’ll be permanent lockdown whether we like it or not. We need to look hard at our “reasonableness”, which they’re playing on as their main weaponisation.  She’s just one female in one country making such an incendiary statement … it’s for her own cred within the snakepit.  Just as vaax saabath said … without forcing people, which gives them the most enormous buzz, they have no lifestyle.

This thing has zero to do with reasonableness … I was myself called out on the very thing not long ago at the blog for excusing these people and other creeps as well. Look, perhaps this old quote will put it more clearly:

The essence of war is violence … moderation in war is imbecility. (John Arbuthnot Fisher, lecture notes 1899 to 1902)

There are reports from the Ukraine of dead soldiers discovered with organs missing … guess which refrigerated vans they went into, and for what purpose.  It’s near impossible for western normies to gather even the slightest inkling of just how bad things are.

Once again, I can be accused of refusing to plaster shots of that across the blog(s) … and I still flatly refuse, as it achieves precisely the ends of those desperate for us to go out of our minds … that’s why. At any blog I’m involved with, you can rest assured I’ll ensure that that does not appear graphically … it’s enough to know “of” it and have the means to access it if you’re hellbent on it.

But at the same time, please have no illusions just how vile is what we’re up against.

1 comment:

  1. "...Schwab's daughter has come out saying that there'll be permanent lockdown, whether we like it or not."
    That lockdown, if it happens,will only apply to the plebs. While we huddle against the cold in our 15 minute cities, we can watch the elites of the Schwab/Soros/Gates/Blair supporters driving past in their Zil lanes. Numpties like Leonardo deCaprisun will still fly thousands of miles in their private aircraft to assure us plebs that the 5 year plan on saving the world still needs a little more work, but we'll get there. Then, when the Gates' target of a world population of 500 million is reached, the elites can all tell each other, "Didn't we do well?"


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