Thursday 6 July 2023

Replacing parents

How many readers will instantly spot what is missing from the issue being discussed?

In a work session, the Fairfax county school board was presented with a poll showing 84% of parents are against children being taught “Family Life Education” together. It showed, out of the 2,656 respondents, parents overwhelmingly want classes separated by gender. 

Currently, the students are separated by gender, but the proposal will combine the students' instruction starting in fourth grade.

However, the Fairfax County School Superintendent, Michelle Reid, responded to the data by saying, “Honestly, the majority doesn’t always dictate, right?”

Yes, of course there is the issue mentioned … co-ed sex … and of course there is this cow and her arrogance … just look at her, plus the one behind, incidentally … yet another issue:

However, none of that addresses the prime issue imho and that of many … WTF is that even being taught children for in the first place, by rainbow warriors like her (Reid)? It’s a matter for parent and child, shirley?


  1. Regardless of the ethics of teaching 8 yr olds how to give oral sex (i.e. they shouldn't be)...

    Given the subject under consideration, shouldn't they be be separating the classes by sex, not "gender." The latter of which, these days, appears to be a nebulous term...

    1. All the better to advance their agenda.


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