Thursday 15 June 2023

Notes on a psycho

And I mean by this Harari clown, not the noble Noha.  It’s a comment yesterday at t’other place, unabridged, by Noha:

RE "Yuval Harari" and "AI"

Yuval Harari, Schwab's WEF's frontman psychopath [], who is sold as an intellectual "genius" or "prophet" by this crazy world is the person who called you and me and all other commoners “useless people” [] --- while millions of those "useless people" have been buying and recommending his books like candy (to learn his "lessons"), serving him very usefully. It's one proof that most people anywhere are stupid and crazy (while "thinking" they're intelligent).

The WEF cabal of psychopaths, including Harari, has always promoted and invested into artificial intelligence or AI are now, starting in early 2023, suddenly supposedly have a change of heart makes it clear that their warnings about AI and having it regulated is just a manipulative tactic to misdirect and deceive the public, once again.

The manipulative "AI open letter" scheme is part of The Hegellian Dialectic in action: problem-reaction-solution. 

This bogus letter campaign is meant to raise public fear/hype panic about an alleged big "PROBLEM" (they helped to create in the first place) so the public demands (REACTION) the governments regulate and control this technology =they provide the "SOLUTION' FOR THEIR OWN INTERESTS AND AGENDAS... because... all governments are owned and controlled by the leading psychopaths in power .... (or

What a convenient self-serving trickery ... of the ever foolish public. Because it's an OLD trick...

"That’s what snake-oil salesmen do. They convince us that we have a fictitious problem, and then they sell us the elixir as the solution to the problem. They’ve been doing it for hundreds of years." ---Unknown

"We'll know our Disinformation Program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---William Casey, a former CIA director=a leading psychopathic criminal of the genocidal US regime

"AI responds according to the “rules” created by the programmers who are in turn owned by the people who pay their salaries. This is precisely why Globalists want an AI controlled society- rules for serfs, exceptions for the aristocracy." ---Unknown

“Who masters those technologies [=artificial intelligence (AI), chatbots, digital identities, synthetic biology] —in some way— will be the master of the world.” --- Klaus Schwab, member of the dictatorial ruling mafia of psychopaths, at the World Government Summit in Dubai, March 2023

“COVID is critical because this is what convinces people to accept, to legitimize, total biometric surveillance.” --- Yuval Noah Harari, member of the dictatorial ruling mafia of psychopaths, World Economic Forum

"The whole idea that humans have this soul, or spirit, or free will ... that's over." --- Yuval Noah Harari, member of the dictatorial ruling mafia of psychopaths, World Economic Forum 


  1. "The whole idea that humans have this soul, or spirit, or free will ... that's over." --- Yuval Noah Harari, member of the dictatorial ruling mafia of psychopaths, World Economic Forum "

    So why are these silly beggars now suggesting AI rewrites of the Bible and then they create a more unifying religion? Plan A not working so initiating Plan B?

    1. This business about the human soul has been knocking around within the wef for decades. I wish that I could find the exact reference to the statement by Henry Kissinger, early mentor of Onkle Klaus, where he expressed a desire for a vaccine for the soul. They know that we possess a soul, they know that without it we lose our individual sovereignty. So they do whatever they can to delete it.

    2. And they seem to be winning...


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