Tuesday 2 May 2023

Whither the monarchy?

In a hushed whisper, as many of my friends now shunning me are ardent royalists, may I say I’m not averse to a constitutional monarchy per se … just not this particular shower of clowns.

Have a wonderful coronary coronation all you chaps and chapesses of impeccable grooming. I’ll be out giving nurses the clap.


  1. The monarchy is dead but it won't lie down. It's dead but doesn't know it.

  2. Ben Franklin said that there are three certainties in life; death, taxes and nurses.

  3. Wot? No Regal Condoms? With little crowns.

    1. We got the corona virus as an early coronation present.

  4. "No Regal Condoms?" Shirley, there's a tampon manufacturer who could make a few bob out of this?

  5. Phantom DiggerMay 03, 2023 9:36 am

    They forgot the commemorative female hygiene products. His nuttiness wanted to be one of Camilla's at one point so he said. Allegedly.

  6. Is that Jimmy Saville next to Jug ears in the plate on the right. I could understand why he wouldn't want Chlamydia in the picture but Jimmy?

  7. The whole range is mocking the royal family and the coronation, of course. Andy and the American slapper; Epstein, who did not commit suicide,with lady Ghislaine, whose Dad did; and Charles with Saville. The effect is to link royalty with ephebophilia. Someone must really hate the Royals. Has Harry gone into the pottery business?

    1. Ah. Makes sense now. I could only see Jimmy and Jug Ears clearly and the rest were way to small and I wasn't wasting my time more than a glance so I didn't recognise the American, now I do, still can't remember her name though. My brain works that way. Irrelevance is ignored.

  8. Victims of sex trafficking are slappers? OK. Got that.

  9. @Anon @ 3.34pm,
    There is no evidence Virginia Gufre was sex trafficked. Like many young women, she followed the famous and the money. If she was trafficked, she later had the opportunity of going after the extremely famous and wealthy 'abusers' through the courts. Instead, she married, and named only one person, seeking damages through a civil court, only when Epstein was killed. I will accept that people who pissed off the Clintons and the Obama's (all of whole were visitors, several times, to Epstein island), had a propensity to pop their clogs, and so she went for one easy target who she knew would not stoop to assisted suicide.


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