Wednesday 3 May 2023


It's pretty slanted and yet not wrong:

Iowa Mother Sentenced to Five Months in Prison for Walking Peacefully Inside US Capitol

The thing which struck me with the entire J6 disgrace by the pollies is how, whilst being the lowest moral, cackling creatures on God's earth themselves, they heavily rely on the sanctity and holiness of the Institution set up by people worthy of some respect, the one they've hijacked and are now hellbent on destroying ... and they invoke all the formidable power of that once respected institution ... in a focussed and draconian way, in order to protect their unworthy selves.

And one of those ways is demanding, by legislation, Respect from us for these worst lowlifes on earth, as humans ... not just for themselves but for all agents of depravity in the society ... their favourite victims being children themselves. 

They build fences and high walls around themselves, skulk in and out via back passages or strut and prance about like a soyboy Trudeau, surrounded by heavily armed, myrmidon thugs who go into the streets and beat up the softest targets they can find ... until stopped by molotov cocktails.

The previous post at OoL clearly shows scant "respect" for these lowlifes occupying positions they're unworthy of ... and that raises the whole question of "respect". At both ends of the political spectrum is extremism ... one end martinets demanding pledges for God, Queen and country, whilst their private lives and greed are a disgrace ... and at the other, the feckless loons such as these extreme climate disruptors, Antifa ... take your pick.

Obviously, as a sound rule of thumb, those loudly demanding respect, responding to the lack of it with heavyhandedness, are the least worthy and should in no way be accorded said Respect. 

In the centre, observing all this, are the moderate but deeply annoyed folk saying, quite openly: 

"You will be accorded respect according to do your deeds and to how much respect you accord to us, in proportion to how much we, ourselves, are worthy of it."

I was a Wolf Cub as a child and had to pledge loyalty to God, Queen and country, interpreted by them as respect for pollies by those in authority ... and very early on therefore, even as a child, it was a case of "you act in a fair, firm and friendly way, with concern for those of us you administer, and you'll have my respect and loyalty, no question.  But show scant regard for me, and you've made yourself a new enemy, chum".

Translated into blogging terms, my view is that you're only as good as your last few posts.  There's no magical holy status ... it has to be earned, daily and weekly. That is an unsettling stance for those who have kicked and scraped their way into Badges of Office, celebrity and fortune, trampling over their grandmothers along the way.

1 comment:

  1. I think this follows on from a 17 strong, heavily armed, FBI squad arresting a former agent for 2 misdemeanor charges relating to 6th June. Apart from the miscarriage of justice against those who question the senior occupant of the white house, or who quietly accepts an invitation by a Police officer, into the Capitol building on it is clear that the USA is turning into 1930's Germany.


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