That headline phrase is known and used by most British people around the times when we, as a nation, remember those who died in the Service of their Country. We revere the Cenotaph, and the simple war memorials which, across this Nation, remember the shadows of the men and women who died whilst defending the Freedom which was earned, in part, by their sacrifice.
Those who died abroad have graves around the world, mainly well-tended by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, the successor to the Imperial War Graves Commission, first established in 1917. Many have no known grave, either perishing at sea, or in the charnel houses which were the blood-soaked battlefields of the First World War.
But there is another theatre altogether where, to my mind, the atrocities and carnage should also be remembered; remembered for the absolute disgrace of the then Prime Minister, ‘Tony’ Blair, giving in to the pressure exerted by the bloody Americans, the Lefty-Liberals, the European Union; along with the internal Labour politicians, all of whom just wanted a quiet life, away from the strife of Northern Ireland’s policies and politics: and announced the SURRENDER to the SinnFeinIRA bombing campaign, which took the form of the Belfast Agreement.
This surrender allowed the terrorists of SinnFeinIRA to enter the Government of the Province, allowed the hundreds of murderous terrorists to gain their unjustified freedom, and gave the bloody Republic a foothold into Northern Ireland’s governance.
We read today of the possibility of a sustained and continuous SinnFeinIRA bombing attack which would have set off Sixteen bombs over 18 days, with lulls on Sundays. It would have been a chance to revive the infamous IRA graffiti in Belfast: ‘Every night is gelignite.’
The main terrorist behind this planned carnage was Patrick Magee, the infamous Brighton Bomber.
No one had suspected that small, soft-spoken visitor to Brighton’s Grand Hotel as the killer as he completed his deadly and murderous plan to assassinate Margaret Thatcher, and it is a fact that she missed death by two minutes, as she had vacated the bathroom by those few vital seconds, before that same bathroom was torn apart by that blast, which killed five and injured thirty five more.
Magee’s one mistake? He left half a hand print on the hotel registration card, and this was paired by the Forensic analyst Steve Turner, part of the team seeking a match for the Roy Walsh palm-print.
On January 17, 1985, he’d just spent 11 hours at his desk, studying prints, when he noticed something unusual. The palm-print he was examining had been taken in 1967 from a teenager called Patrick Magee, after he had broken into a shop in Norwich, where his parents were living at the time. With mounting excitement, the analyst charted 16 points of similarity.
Stephen Turner had just discovered who had planted the Brighton bomb.

Murderer Magee was released, and the killers entered Stormont under the trafficked name of SinnFein.
The betrayals travelled further, and slowly but surely, the Unionist cause was diminished over the years, under both Labour and Tory Governments, until we see the latest betrayal, named ‘The Windsor Framework’ by the traitorous Prime Minister Sunak, along with the head of the European Union, which establishes the permanent presence of the EU in Northern Ireland, the Irish Sea Border, and the fact that the Union of the Four Nations which comprises the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is slowly and surely being dissolved before our eyes.
You are absolutely correct. The Houses of Parliament are infested with rats, snakes, cockroaches and vultures.
ReplyDeleteThe building, as well as Whitehall, is so infested with vermin, I doubt there is a pesticide strong enough to get rid of them.
It may seem regrettable but the process of merging NI into the Republic has long been in train. Since 1922, NI has never really been a full part of the UK, it has had many different laws, procedures and structures, all established with a view to enabling/easing the eventual reunification. The Good Friday Agreement, Brexit and other events are just steps along the way to the objective, an objective quietly shared by the governments of both nations, whatever their political stripe.
ReplyDeleteIt used to be said that, once rape was inevitable, you should just lie back and enjoy it - the merging of NI into the Republic is inevitable, always has been, it's just a matter of timing, so no point screaming, just make the most of it in whatever way you can.
If, or when, norn iron is due to become part of Eire (and the EU), there may be a way to gain some profit out of this. Offer those who wish to stay in UK the opportunity of moving to the mainland while, at the same time, shipping the thousands of small boat invaders to Belfast just before the handover, while it is still part of the UK. They then become Eire's (and the EU's) problem. Then, let's see them try crossing the Irish sea in Albanian inflateables.