Saturday 5 November 2022

"When you control the language, you control the argument"

Nowhere is this more true than with all this weaselly "equality and diversity", "sustainability", "tolerance", "save the planet" ... which it does the exact opposite of ... and they know it.  They're out-Alinskying Alinsky himself.

NZ and Canada are currently vying for the manrte of greatest Jackboot on the planet, that being Ardern's nickname but this one really takes the biscuit ... Plain Speech enforcement officers in NZ going into govt offices and first offering a sop, e.g. demanding less convoluted language, something most might agree with in principle ... but in the fine print, demanding everyone abide by the same definitions ... as defined by Ardern the Only Truth.

Seems to me other govts, e.g. the WEF west, inc. the US and the UK, are watching backwaters such as NZ and Canada to see how it all goes, what pushback there will be, adjusting strategies for WEFland rollouts.


  1. I’ve said it before, but so many see feminism as a ‘result’ of marxism, I see the opposite. Marxism/communism, at it’s root, is the wish/demand that ‘they’ be treated as women traditionally were – provided for, protected, and especially given power, status and prestige based on ‘what they are’ not ‘who’ (and of course never ever to accept consequences or responsibility).

    Feminism has been the driving force, and at the vanguard of every marxist debacle, forever. Consider any, or all, of the ‘special interest groups’ demands and actions and fundamentally they are based on … “well look, women got those rights, privileges and provisions without earning them, why shouldn’t we?”.

    Be honest, look at any lefty, then imagine they were all adolescent girls or privileged women and you can predict not only their demands, but their entire premise, and ... exactly how they will argue it.

    Every argued with a woman? The key point is that they always ‘redefine’ terms and language to arbitrarily support their feelings/opinions (the subjective, or at least ‘theirs’, always trumps the objective).

    Here? The key point is ‘not’ that they will be enforcing rigid language codes, but that those ‘codes’ will be arbitrary and fluid, defined and enforced ‘only’ against, and in a manner, to ‘punish’ a specific group – white, normal, males. Should those males ‘comply’ then … the rules will be immediately changed to maintain the power, and ‘ritual’ humiliation.

    Why do I say all that? Because whilst the Maori’s are now jumping on the band-wagon, the women have enforced exactly this system (for their personal profit) for decades.

    The ‘hilarious’ thing? This divisive, selfish, mercenary tribalism is targetting the ‘only’ group who allow (and have ever allowed) women rights. It’s argued that feminism requires ‘civilisation’ (and specifically a technically advanced one at that) to ‘allow’ women even the pretence of ‘equality’. This is wrong, since the very same technology enables men too, often compounding women's universal inability to compete, and so the only reason western women have rights is because western men demand (fight and die) to give them to them.

    Give them what they claim to want and … women will be (as they were historically, and remain everywhere but the first world now) either second class or … property. And never has a group deserved to get what they want … good and hard.

    In giving women the vote, western civilisation signed its own death warrant.

    The women are demanding, enabling and supporting this (Note ‘who’ is forcing this through) because they see it as a way to further attack the hated ‘daddy figure’, and to gain allies (for further profit). But … (just as the muslims here) the maori (despite having the occasional token queen) are a ‘very’ macho culture, if they gain the upper hand, I look forward to women being ‘put in their place’ (and beaten – as acceptable in maori culture as muslim) regularly.

    Note to self: Buy more popcorn.

    1. JH: " “well look, women got those rights, privileges and provisions without earning them, why shouldn’t we?”

      Marxism in one, of which feminism is one aspect.

  2. As a resident in New Zealand, it has been obvious to me that this has been going on for the duration of both these latest Labour Governments.
    There also appears to be a definite move towards some form of apartheid with Labours intention to give Maori clans an exclusive say in public assets such as water. However , the local elections have shown that this may be the last labour government for some time and that Jacinda's time is coming to an end.You can expect her to next emerge with some form of UN sinecure in 2025.


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