Tuesday 1 November 2022

To forgive or not to forgive, that is the question

Whether tis nobler in the mind to let bygones be bygones with these vicious karens who were happy enough to see us dragged from our homes to internment camps or prison, who wanted us banned from shops and eateries whilst they lived the privileged life of Riley, but who are now increasingly pariahs:

The Phantom Digger, a wraith who’s found digging for data here and there, has: 

The first and more immediate question, for those under a certain age and still interested in such messy things, is should a pureblood share bodily fluids with a clotblood?  A very real dilemma but not the only one. What about pilots and plane passengers warned in some places not to risk it anymore?

Only after clotbloods negotiate their new set of dilemmas, methinks, need we be talking amnesties and forgiveness.  It’s not sheeplike karens though who are the ones crying for forgiveness, it’s the globo-monsters who knew all along and who hid data, falsified figures and kept pushing the propaganda, causing millions to die or be otherwise adversely affected, many for the rest of their lives … it’s moreso that lot than the kooky karens per se who need the gallows.

If we take a proper gander at these … how can one forgive?  We know the old adage about forgiving but not forgetting … yyyeeessssss, that’s ok in a way. The covid monsters though do need something slower and more prolonged.  But that’s being as fiendish as them, innit?  Descending to their level.


  1. tbh I'm fed up of being the one that is wronged and have to forgive to move on. After Covid, Trump, our lying politicians and being generally screwed over by our government I'm looking for a bit of punishment for these people. Some sort of retribution for the crimes they have committed.

    If that makes me a bad person then I can live with that just like they can live with being wrong all the time and treating me like the bad guy because I don't go along with what they want.

    Jesus wasn't all about forgive everything. There was punishment in there and punishment is very much part of Gods way. Including a significant amount of collateral damage. I'm not suggesting that. Just what is right.

  2. Punish, then forgive.

    If they get away with it, they'll do it again. And again. And again. Until they're stopped. Stop them now.

  3. We're still a long way from recognising the true extent of the deaths and injuries (most will not come to light for years) and when it is ...

    I'm still going long on piano wire, and have the incorporation documentation ready to go on my Bounty Hunting company (" We specialise in tracing/locating anyone employed or even peripherally associated with development, promotion, funding or administration with the clot shots - use of our wood-chipper is extra"). I expect to retire a multi-millionaire.


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