Tuesday 15 November 2022

This sceptr'd isle

... this seat of Mars, this other Eden, demi-paradise, this fortress built by Nature for her self ... that was wont to conquer others, hath made a shameful conquest of itself.

An occasional post through our eyes on this island.  These were in the inbox this morning:

Where to start?  I started here, replying to Laura Perrins:
It might be an idea, Laura, to spare a thought as well for little boys, having their crown jewels cut off.  Best not to narrowly focus too much on just the one gender, horrifying though it is and requiring all to cry out about it.  Both genders though are facing this from "parents" who've taken leave of their senses and have embraced sheer evil.
Obviously, looking at Westminster, and no one sane being able to vote for the LibLabTory uniparty, nor the Green Marxists ... the only other choice is Tice's lot, should one even be inclined to vote any more.

With the best will in the world, Tice hardly inspires.  Everyone in the country knows who it must be.

1 comment:

  1. I think everyone should vote, but when there is no party worth a vote, the best thing for me at least is to spoil my ballot paper, which I have done for the past 3 elections.


    One thing this crooked lot in power should be made to do is stop postal voting; all voters should produce ID at a voting station and vote in person. Then the votes must be counted on that day/night, with impartial monitors being present to stop any underhand activities. I think voter fraud in our country is widespread, but I can only point to Tower Hamlets, and also the fix to prevent Nigel Farage becoming and MP, which I think are just the tip of the iceberg.

    I will vote for Reform at the next General Election, not because I have faith they'll actually make a positive difference but because the usual suspects need to be kicked out of the House of Commons; that's the only punishment for them that stands a chance of happening because they're not going to prosecute themselves for what they have done to us over the past 3 years.


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