Thursday 3 November 2022

Brazil is the litmus test

A commenter called Shayke wrote, at Citizen Free Press:

When the majority of the people are behind you, and you do not have the courage to lead, then it is over for you and for them. The devil goes about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. If you resist him, he flees. If you surrender to him, he devours you.

These fools, like Bosonaro and Trump, try to play the long game. You must resist the devil. The devil wins in the long game, versus mortals.

A Brazilian called Rica wrote:

I live in Brazil. He did not concede. He chose his words carefully There is a lot going on behind the scenes. We are waiting to see. It is not over.

Why do the strong concede?  He has been strong, so has the Donald, constantly under threat to both him and his family.  

When they front you though in the dead of night and lay out what is going to happen to you, esp. what is going to be done to your wife and children ... or if past indiscretions are now laid out, with photos, before you ... or when your core support, e.g. the military, refuse to support the leader ... what is there to do?  Form a new republic and be slaughtered in the process? Agonisingly?

Easy for us keyboard warriors to call "gutless", when we're not under that hammer and yet both he and the Donald made a lot of noise people believed in.  Musk I expected to cave to the depraved Wokerati ... he's WEF. Bolonaro and Trump? Salvini?  Made an offer they could not refuse?


  1. The fact is the long march through the institutions is (and has been for decades now) almost complete. It really doesn’t effectively matter who (which individual or party) is ‘in power’ because the organs of power are now completely owned in their entirety by the leftists (in every country, but in its most extreme in the west).

    The Donald could say and do what he (and the people) wanted but when the bureaucrats (in and out of uniform) alter, slow-walk or just refuse to carry out the orders … nothing changes. Bosanaro was in the same boat. For that matter the non-conservative Conservatives are, where even what little they attempt to do is either not implemented, or implemented (intentionally) in a manner to cause it to fail or backfire (for which they carry the can, not those who deliberately sabotaged the action).

    Be honest, when something like ‘immigration’ policy is actually implemented by departments staffed entirely either with woke globalists, or foreign nationals (or both. Seriously look at The Home Office, Immigration, Customs, all are staffed by … immigrants) do you really expect it to work as intended? When every individual and organisation tasked with implementing a policy is deliberately working against it … it’s no surprise it always seems to go awry. Ditto every other organ of state.

    The simple fact is that the only way this ends well is for the wholesale removal of ‘all’ of the faceless mandarins and their innumerable staff because, much like academia where most departments don’t even have a single person to the right of Marx, there are no apolitical bureaucrats now … anywhere, at any level (visit your local council and see for yourself how even locally, whoever your council claims to be aligned with, the ‘workers’ are to a man/woman dyed in the wool leftist fanatics. From schools to the NHS, even private companies, whenever they gain entry, they employ and promote only those like them, and now … they own it all).

    But … ‘they’ will never surrender the exclusive power they hold quietly, I’ve come to (unfortunately) recognise that either (they hope) we simply give up or this will ‘end in blood’.

    Leftism has murdered hundreds of millions so far (with more to come), I think it’s about time someone balanced the scales.

    I used to read with (amused cynicism) the ramblings of Q and “It has to happen this way”. Now? I wonder, because with every day more and more are (taking that red pill) beginning to finally realise the extent of the corruption, and recognise just what will be needed to end it – something even three short years ago almost nobody could conceive, let alone contemplate. So who knows?

    1. I like your comments, Anonymous.

      More and more people are coming realise that they are not alone in their belief that our governments and all institutions are working against them. The more we encounter like-minded people we approach a critical mass, that is the point at which things begin to happen. It is my belief that if and when that happens all hell will be let loose - on both sides. Won't be nice but needs to happen.


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