Friday 9 September 2022

Enough of the Bile being Targeted on Our Queen’s Death


Neither the late Queen, nor any member of the Royal Family alive today is responsible for

colonialism or the exploitative actions of historic politicians & businessmen anymore than

you are. So enough with the bile and hate distributed around the Twitterati, find yourself

another target for your bitterness.


  1. Being an old man of 84 I am no longer surprised by many things,but I am still appalled by how many nasty bastards there are in every country.One common denominator is that they all seem to be left leaning.

    1. Then you aren't listening to the US, where the left are accused of killing and eating children on a regular basis by the right.

    2. There’s a considerable difference between being falsely accused of something with malicious intent and ... being accused of maliciously spreading what the other side actually does, and gleefully brags about.

      When ‘the left’ stops cheerleading its ‘right’ to murder millions of children (up to and past birth), harvest and sell the organs, and promoting the use of said ‘organs’ as ‘health supplements’ then maybe your biased bovine excreta would be appropriate. (As to “cannibalism”, you may actually want to leave your ivory tower and read exactly what certain ‘leftist’ experts are really, openly, in print saying and advocating).

      I’m afraid your reaction says more about ‘you’ than any supposed ‘targeting’ of all those ‘poor, defenceless, innocent victims’ (ie. Democrats). Hint: if you’re defending the ‘rights’ of the perpetrators to never even have their crimes revealed, rather than the actual victims, ‘you’ are either concealing or (more likely) complicit in that evil.

      As they say "When the Republicans screw up, the story is about the screw-up. When the Democrats screw-up, the story is always about the Republican 'over-reaction'". We stopped falling for that garbage decades ago.


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