Thursday 7 April 2022

Cruelty or callous indifference ...

... by sub-standard "leaders"?

The Daily Sceptic may have been better showing a non-slapper who never pleasured her way to the top but there they go, this was in the newsround:
Cruelty – the missing word in Ofsted’s ‘pandemic’ impact report” – It is not the “pandemic” which has had a disastrous effect on child development and well being, it is the Government’s response, says Kathy Gyngell in TCW Defending Freedom.
Yeeesss, so many examples of this cruelty showing through, esp. in family unable to see the elderly as they died for a start.  Difficult to know if this was sadism or just callous indifference.  

Or that monster in Melbourne continuing on mask mandates and the like despite most of the west lifting this.

Or that monster Zelensky in the Ukraine accosted over the Azov bayonetting and other atrocities we've documented, his response on film: "They are what they are."

Or the incarceration without trial of the J6 invitees under attested appalling conditions.  Or Assange's treatment.  Or despite his subsequent showing himself to be a dead loss on SCOTUS, Heels-Ups bullying of Kavanaugh and non-interest in southern border conditions ... the list goes on and on and on.

It's a quite marked phenomenon, this gross indifference and cruelty, it's now found at all levels, e.g. in baton charges on rally protesters on one side but never sgainst the other tossers like the pink pussy paraders in Washington.

There's a bible verse I mention at another place which says, essentially, that in the last days, society having fallen away, it would be led by children.  No one as callous as children ... see Omar, Cortez, Lightfoot, Whitmer, the Baltimore one, the Squad, Truss, Harbag, Hewitt and going nominally male - Hancock and his grinning face.  Carrie Johnson running policy in the land.


  1. James, yes. And yet according to these people, it's President Putin who is evil incarnate. Alex Christophorou and Alexander Mercouris have some interesting videos covering the Ukraine theatrics, some even get through the YouTube censors each day.
    Reference masks, on Tuesday I took one of my nephews to hospital on Tuesday, what used to be called Wythenshawe Hospital. Masks are mandatory and absolutely everyone, doctors, nurses, technicians, cleaners, patients, everyone was wearing one. And dancing past each other in corridors to avoid contact, I suppose.
    While waiting for the consultant, I was explaining to my nephew about the experimental injections, the side effects and shedding of spike proteins by the injected, which can infect the non-injected and cause serious reactions in them.
    After about 5 minutes of this, a lady in a nurses uniform came across and told me " we don't have those conversations in here because they are sensitive subjects".
    I'm afraid I just replied " Then don't listen", which I had to repeat several times before she eventually walked away.

    I would have thought a hospital was exactly the place where such conversations should be held, given it pertains to health matters. But to her, not so. And there were no other patients nearby, so I can only conclude I was using her sensibilities.
    What an insane world we now live in.

    1. And it's getting madder by the second...


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