Friday 29 April 2022

All You Should Care About Is That It Is Within The Law, Mark...

Sussex Police licensing officer Mark Thorogood shared his concerns at a council licensing.
He told the panel of councillors the venue only just complied with its cafe licence.

That's all it needs to do, after all... 

This required substantial food to be available at all times. It had been, he said, “pushing the limits” of what was substantial after the previous owner refitted the venue as a bar.

So..? Did you get upset when venues were 'pushing these limits' when ridiculous covid restrictions were imposed, Mark?  

Mr Theed had since refitted the premises again and police were concerned it now appeared to be branded as a wine and cocktail bar. Given its current cafe-style licence, alcohol should be secondary to providing food, he said.
But the seven-page menu initially had five pages devoted to alcohol, with no hot drinks and just seven food items. Two of those were nuts and olives.

Which are definitely food, though I can't stand olives myself. 

The food offering had since been expanded but, the panel heard, there was still no kitchen.

The regulations you're paid to enforce don't state there has to be a kitchen, do they? So move on. There must be real cases to progress. This isn't one. 


  1. It sounds to me either Mr Thorogood was being asked leading questions by someone on the panel or Mr Thorogood has negative views about Mr Theed. Either way it doesn't sound like disinterested parties discussing the matter.

    1. No, definitely not! I suspect there's a history here we aren't privy to...

  2. Sounds like the Case of the Scotch Egg..Substantive evidence.required.

  3. Sounds like the Case of the Scotch Egg.


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