Tuesday 22 March 2022

They learn nothing, they repeat every error

The Daily Sceptic today:

Government Criticised For Not Ruling Out ‘No Jab, No Job’ By Back Door

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has been criticised by the House of Lords for failing to clarify whether thousands of carers who were sacked for not getting a Covid vaccine can have their jobs back and whether ‘no jab, no job’ for new health and social care recruits is being sneaked in by the back door.

Rank disingenuity by unprincipled politicians.

Whatever would possess him, having been told point blank by doctors at that hospital and subsequently dropping mandates - whatever would possess him to 'warn' us of the whole thing starting again in winter?

There are two distinct issues here.  One is the medical one where Savage Jabber was told point blank by doctors when he visited that hospital, followed by the dropping of mandates and restrictions ... for now.  Which shows he was caught out but learnt nothing and is still unawake Woke.

The second is the utter unconcern for those who do know, as they've read all the untoward consequences brought by FoI requests in various countries, plus hacking ... people of the land who do not wish for heart and other issues and who exercised what they thought was their choice.

Why on earth would these politicians backslide like this?  Well, look at a parallel issue mentioned here:

That's part of what's really going down.  This nowt to do with medicine, it's all about extending bureaucratic control in order to impose a state of permafear on a cowed population, plus hopefully to get that population opposed over some spurious issue and st each other's throats.

1 comment:

  1. The size of the uncivil service needs to be reduced by at least half.
    The problem is, who has ultimate authority over this bloated and generally useless body of leeches? Who is able to actually force them to disband most of their departments and ministries?
    The senior Civil Servants seem to be accountable to no one but themselves.


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