Sunday 13 March 2022

These people are so kind to themselves

There's a part of Three Days of the Condor, near the end, where Robert Redford says, exasperated, to Higgins, 'Geez, you guys are kind to yourselves, aren't you?'  to which Higgins responds, 'Look, we play games, the other side plays games ...'

Reason I mention it is the very iffy Toby Young at Daily Sceptic, excusing everyone at high level, absolving them of blame by means of speaking of 'curate's eggs' and they do it by a timeworn method, which ties in with something written in the post before.

Firstly, the post before:
... for those who pride themselves on their thinking processes, that trick is ancient - to offer limited choices and foment vigorous debate within those choices, in a controlled forum [community standards], whilst characterising other debates outside that as tinfoil hat, swivel-eyed loonery.
In today's Daily Sceptic, this is found:

First, and foremost: democratic accountability and the use of advisory committees. From the start of the pandemic until mid-2021 we were governed by a War Cabinet comprising Messrs Johnson, Raab, Gove and Hancock, along with Drs Whitty and Vallance. 

Their decisions were predicated on SAGE’s groupthink. Parliamentary scrutiny was suspended. Churchill’s dictum of ‘experts on tap, not on top’ was forgotten. My view – as a citizen, not as a Professor of Medical Microbiology – is that this should never have happened. Government is to govern; Parliament to scrutinise and expert committees to provide advice.

But, if Government is to subcontract its functions to unelected technocrats, these should include a range of specialities.

Uh huh.  So, having absolved govt of blame via the curate's egg gambit, they feel free to run a damning indictment of one or two aspects, thereby deflecting blame to SAGE itself and Johnson.  In other words, protecting the real miscreants as ever.

But as Vlad across the way pointed out, this has nothing to do with one country or one country's govt, it's directly against the Globocabal and Vlad is in a position to act, by taking the country off the Venetian/Rothschild founded fiat standard and onto the Chinese yen after physically hitting their resources within countries close to Russia, geographically.

See, it's a very simple shibboleth or litmus test to determine where people are, politically.  There is the Cuckservative-play-libertarianism which assigns good motives to all these Build Back Better merchants, in a vaguely 'we makes our own choices on everything' way, très bourgeois, citoyens ... and then there are those actually awake to the wider world, who've taken the red pill in Matrix terms and can see beyond that into past and future machinations ... keep an eye on the new climate 2030 scam.

And that is the political divide now ... Woke versus woke.

1 comment:

  1. Forgive me, but I chuckled.

    Shouldn’t that read

    “Vlad is in a position to act, by taking the country off the Venetian/Rothschild founded fiat standard and onto the Venetian/Rothschild Chinese yen”?

    The assumption that western elitists are all venal, amoral, mercenary, corrupt, deviant, idiotic members of some globalist cabal is, I’m afraid, almost proven beyond any doubt. But … which nations has that globalist cabal been pushing, supporting, favouring for decades? Which nations have those elitists been, and remain, invested in?

    Which nations already have in place the social credit system, the cashless society, the surveillance state, the Platonic rule by philosopher kings the globalists patently dream of implementing, and have been attempting to impose, globally?

    Much like Ukraine and covid, I’d suggest you are being a touch naive. The (definitively, and for decades, marxist/globalist) media and establishment ‘appear’ to be ‘criticising’ the (openly and proudly declared) marxist/globalist media and establishment (look at how many members of SAGE are, or were, members of the communist party and its fellow travellers. The rest being members of the globalist inner circle … and there’s not a micron of difference between their pronouncements and aims). Look to how the media is mouthing their ‘opposition’ to Russia/Putin, as openly, blatantly, jingoistic and incompetently presented propaganda as has ever been seen … so any real truths about the perfidy and crimes committed by Putin are automatically also seen as suspect (in attacking him thus, they are surreptitiously supporting him).

    The parallels to WW2 and the ‘sudden’ falling-out, re-defining as ‘the enemy’ of the formerly close friends (with almost identical aims) between The Soviets and Germany, is …. uncanny, no? (Especially with the then self-declared 'good-guys', The US, actually supporting, supplying and financing both. Their very existence relying on the uncounted communists within The US administration, then and through most of the Cold War).

    Aren’t you just as guilty of offering “limited choices”? You’ve allowed them to define the, effectively identical, options. Is there ‘an opposition’, and alternative? Possibly, but just as the truckers in Canada and elsewhere, you wont find it in established power structures and definitely wont find it in Russia/China.


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