Sunday 14 November 2021

Ignorance and self-preservation - a winning combination

Learn your history properly by making an effort and digging through alt-sources:

#  1913 - They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.

#  May 30, 1919 - Prominent British and American personalities establish the Royal Institute of International Affairs in England and the Institute of International Affairs in the U.S. at a meeting arranged by Col. House; attended by various Fabian socialists, including noted economist John Maynard Keynes. 

#  1920 - It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the nineteenth century, and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads

#  It was no accident. It was a carefully contrived occurrence. The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so they might emerge as the rulers of us all.

#  1932 - The manifest necessity for some collective world control to eliminate warfare and the less generally admitted necessity for a collective control of the economic and biological life of mankind, are aspects of one and the same process.


#  There shall be electrifying overtures and unheard of concessions. The capitalist countries, stupid and decadent, will rejoice to cooperate to their own destruction. They will leap at another chance to be friends.

#  October 28, 1939 - In an address by John Foster Dulles [later U.S. Secretary of State], he proposes that America lead the transition to a new order of less independent, semi-sovereign states bound together by a league or federal union. 

#  June 28, 1945 - President Truman endorses world government in a speech: "It will be just as easy for nations to get along in a republic of the world as it is for us to get along in a republic of the United States." 

# 1954 - The important point to remember about this group is not its ideology but its organization. It is a dynamic, aggressive, elite corps, forcing its way through every opening, to make a breach for a collectivist one-party state. It operates secretly, silently, continuously to transform our Government without our suspecting the change is underway. 

This secret revolutionary corps understands well the power to influence the people by an elegant form of brainwashing. We see this, for example, in the innocent use of words like 'democracy' in place of 'representative government.' 

#  1981 - Congressman Larry McDonald calls for comprehensive congressional investigation of the CFR and Trilateral Commission. Congress is urged to investigate these organizations.

1983 - Larry McDonald is killed along with 268 other passengers on Korean Air Lines (KAL) flight 007, shot down over Sakhalin Island in the Sea of Japan. 

[See the Titanic post earlier, also JFK and silver.  Explore Vince Foster.]

Know the monster

Any person who goes along with the dispossession of others and using a bullying power, e.g. a gang, a govt, a council, karens - whoever it is doing the coercion and theft, they also are tightening the screws on human beings in order to bring destitution and misery upon the non-compliant.  It is a mindset which you might call 'drunk on power' and it is very much part of a global push which is by no means new.


And here is the type who sees the need to even transform humans into another species:

Where have you seen such things before?  Of course, in James Bond films, from Dr. No to Blofeld and all the rest of the megalomaniacs.  Go back to that Schwab take again and the one above - this is way beyond arrogance, far beyond it.  

This is bureaucratic evil.

It's the total corruption of and making useless and worthless the institutions which is a core part of the strategy:

Fulton County: More Georgia 2020 Corrupt Election Acts Revealed – 770,000 Ballots Ordered Shortly Before the 2020 Election Are Missing – Where Did They Go?

It's the unethical and illegal proceedings where even the judge tells off the prosecution:

Moving the Goalposts: Kyle Rittenhouse Prosecution Pushes a “Multitude” of Lesser Crimes In Last-Ditch Attempt to Secure Some Jail Time

Potential Witness Tampering as Gaige Grosskreutz, the Felon Who Aimed His Gun at Kyle Rittenhouse, Had Two Prior Charges Dismissed by Prosecutors Only Days Before Trial

It's the last second bringing in of 'evidence' such as a grainy drone - and the strategy comes down from above, such that it makes the functioning of key institutions impossible, such that it forces reaction, which can then be hammered:

Oklahoma National Guard Won’t Impose Biden’s Vaccine Mandate — Defying Pentagon

The Hegelian interpretation is an old playbook - create incident, everyone all at sea, someone evil suggests a temporary solution.  As it fails to be pushed back, it solidifies into policy and then the punishments start for non-compliance, the camps open.

And it is based on a lie:

Uttar Pradesh Government in India Publicly Claims Early Use of Ivermectin Helped State Maintain Lower COVID-19 Cases and Deaths

What do they hope to achieve?

It's a multipronged strategy which tries to cover all contingencies:

#  There might be complete craven compliance in gutless, fat countries such as the US, UK, former colonies, in which case  it saves them billions in FEMA type camps, re-education etc. By the time some sort of pushback sinks into the brains of the people, it's too late.

#  Or there is immediate but fragmented pushback.  However, sufficient idiot or mendacious karens are in place at ground level to snuff it out - the now panicking people are shut down, rounded up, it matters little as everyone is navel gazing, looking away from what is being done to one's neighbour - Julian Assange, James O'Keefe.  The height of human nobility, yes?  Humanity's proudest moment.

#  If it goes badly wrong in those first two strategies, i.e. there actually are ethical, strong people still with some sanity around, sufficient of them, there is always the old fallback on the great patriotic war - men lined up in ditches in the mud, facing one another, slaughtering the other on the command of the compromised officer class.

And I do know of what I speak, having been at officer training.

In order for the last one to succeed, certain groups must first be relentlessly vilified, to the point that when the real killers are sent in, no one will lift a finger to help the victims.  Cattle trucks.

That is part of what is done, what is prepared for decades in advance.

Society is split right down the middle, each side sniping at the other.

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