Monday 6 September 2021

And Would You Open Up Your Surgery For Them To Have It?

Covid vaccines have been a remarkable success, but if we are to enhance public safety and return to normality, we must build on that achievement.
Interesting you talk about 'coverage', because Janet Street Porter points out:
...the real scandal is happening at GP's surgeries all over the country. And I don't think money is the problem.
Waiting rooms lie empty, lines of freshly sanitised chairs sit without any occupants. Signs on external doors say 'do not enter without an appointment' - so the sick stay at home and potentially shorten their lives, forced to hang on to the phone waiting for ages or try and log on, remember their NHS number, password and navigate a complicated website.
It's easier for Michael Gove to enter a nightclub mask-less and make a complete tit of himself, than it is to meet your local GP face-to-face.

Seems they are only willing to do this now if they are weilding a needle like an eager Spanish DEFRA vet. 

GPs are holding 3.4million fewer face-to-face appointments a month compared with before the pandemic. The shocking figures reveal the scale of the shift towards consultations held remotely.
The Alzheimer’s Society said virtual appointments do not work for people with dementia, while Labour, which analysed the NHS England data, said the shift increased the risk of serious illness being misdiagnosed.

But who cares about serious illness when we have a version of the flu to worry about? 


  1. Don't forget that doctors receive about £12 for each arm jabbed. More youngsters = more dosh.

    1. DAD, I read somewhere that the bounty for puncturing children is £22.58 each.


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