Thursday 19 August 2021

What's that stage beyond flat out lying, misrepresentation and criminal harassment, at taxpayer expense?

Brit sleaze - our fearless ferret, DR, reports:

What's that stage beyond flat out lying, misrepresentation and criminal harassment, at taxpayer expense?  Who is the person who authorised this letter to be sent out?  He or she needs to be charged, not least for breaching the Nuremberg Code.  Grossly unethical behaviour.

At the same time, they started harassing me not twenty minutes ago:

And it's not as if it's just in this country:

This thing is being coordinated worldwide.  There are obvious questions over the the entire "science" underpinning it, the stats are doctored, they're lying through their teeth but that's not really the N1 point.

Yesterday I had a conversation with a chappy who had had the double jab in order to be allowed to work - no jab, no job.  What's the stage beyond "outrageous and utterly unprincipled, in a position of patient care"?

We found we agreed on one point most vehemently - the PTB are demented in their push, push, push at all costs - we've shown why they're pushing, we know what it's about and he, who had been pro-vaxx till then, now was not sure in the least.  I asked what he thought of Fauci, Ferguson and Hancock?  All three, he said, are out and out liars, the last one is a psycho.

I said - well enjoy your 256 days until the next one ... and so on ad infinitum until the end of your days.

Which still does not address the central issue in this post - targetting the young, the least able to fight back or know anything about it. Telling underage kids they don't need their parents' permission.

Stop and think about that.

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