Thursday 19 August 2021

Solution to the energy "crisis"?

Tallbloke has:

The government prefers what it calls “a twin track approach”, meaning both blue and green hydrogen will be used to phase out fossil fuels. Blue hydrogen fuel is produced from natural gas—a fossil fuel which currently provides most of the UK’s water and space heating—but the CO2 that would usually be emitted is captured and stored underground.

A recent report cast doubt on the green credentials of blue hydrogen, though. The research suggested that, because of methane emissions throughout the supply chain, blue hydrogen may actually be 20% worse for the climate than simply burning natural gas for heat and power. It doesn’t appear that the government’s strategy has recognised these issues or explained how they might be avoided.

I've an idea, doesn't come often but here it is - why not use fossil fuels, some nuclear, a bit of fracking, solar, wind, other bits and pieces ... all helping the energy supply?  And in vehicles - how about using petrol and diesel, getting rid of all the extraneous claptrap which has marred vehicles in the 2000s?


  1. Here are my thoughts, James:
    1. Defund the MPs and reduce their numbers by half. The devil makes work for idle hands and there are too many idle MPs. Or is that useless and incompetent eaters of our taxes?
    2. Stop government meddling in the markets. Everything governments touch eventually turns to crap.
    3. Defund the Civil Service and cut its size by half. Give them less to do and fewer people to do it.
    4. If there is an economic benefit for new technology then let the private sector put up their money, take the risks and reap the profits or losses.
    5. Institute an annual referendum for public taxation and spending. And let us vote yea or nay.
    6. A decade or so ago some people created what was named the Harrogate Agenda. It's a good basis for making our public servants more accountable to we, their paymasters.

    1. Can see I'll have to steal that quote for another place. ☺️


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