Monday 3 May 2021

The New 'We Must Learn Lessons'...

The review calls for “critical lessons” to be “translated into action”.

Hmmmm. Yes, it's this case: 

Despite previously assaulting police and a restaurant worker, and hitting support staff with a brick, Bravery was not considered a risk to others at the time.

Shows how much they knew, eh? 

Bravery, who told horrified onlookers that social services were to blame for the atrocity, is currently serving a 15-year minimum prison term for attempted murder.

It's hard not to think he's partially right, while also being horrified that throwing a child off a high rook only attracts 15 years in the slammer... 

...the review also found that, while Bravery’s case was characterised by “appropriate efforts by professionals from across agencies to access assessment and treatment for (him)”, those efforts “were stymied due to the lack of services, placements and provisions that were suitable for his needs as an autistic young person with a co-existing conduct disorder diagnosis”.

Yes, he's the 'victim' here, according to these people. Doesn't that emphasis explain - at least partially - how things like this happen? 

A psychiatric report in 2018 said Bravery had learnt to use his autism as an excuse to evade responsibility for dangerous behaviour.

He's not the only one, is he? 

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