Wednesday 10 April 2024

These Rules Need To Change

Kenner a self employed tiler was initially charged with intent to cause grievous bodily harm in August 2021 which fetches a maximum of life imprisonment but after five separate court adjournments for undisclosed reasons prosecutors eventually accepted his guilty plea in September 2023 to the lesser charge of assault causing actual bodily harm.

Yet again, the useless CPS proves themselve too lazy to do the real work. 

They then recommended he faced a maximum of only two and a half years behind bars under sentencing guidelines before a further three hearings came and went whilst Kenner tried unsuccessfully to withdraw his guilty plea.

All paid for by the long suffering taxpayers, of course!  

This week, 31 months since the assault, Kenner who arrived 20 minutes late for his hearing at Bolton Crown Court was ordered to complete 150 hours unpaid work and was sent on a 'Building Better relationships' programme after a powerless judge said he had 'very little option' but to let him go free.

I don't blame the judge, he's probably right. 

The court heard he had already spent 11 months on remand before being bailed on a curfew to await trial and as a result under Home Office rules had already served the equivalent of a 23 month prison sentence.

This rule has to go - surely it would be a quick win for a Conservative Home Sec (if we actually had one)? 

If we are always told that people on remand are 'innocent until proven guilty' then why should their time on remand be counted as part of their sentence? That should only start when they are found guilty!   

Tuesday 9 April 2024

For what to know anyway?

 This piece is also to run at OoL, plus on X. Why? Laziness in an ageing man? Can’t be bothered taking any one of a multitude of dire things happening and writing one good journo post on it for our daily fix of world horrors?

Or is it not feeling all that well under the Gates chemtrail sky, plus the ailments which start to grip, fed by the pharmaceutical industry … am I now on the teat, so to speak … to the grave?

Is it substandard, shoddy services, inc. the chemicalised food supply, meal by meal by meal so that fashionable conditions kick in for all … BSE, SARS, Covid and now the lucrative cancer fast tracking? Not just for the old … why deprive the young of cancer (carcinogens in the very air, plus food supply) … why deprive the young of lucrative heart attacks, blood clots?

And still the bought MSM, with each successive late Millennial and early Zoomer intake of the mindless new Eloi, keep pumping out what the late Millennial and early Zoomer intake of the mindless medical “profession”, now part of the “evidence based” medicos reading from the handed down new literature, censored by the bigwigs doing this to us … private companies, not public health, no longer real GPs … might it be anything to do with that?

And why not create food shortages, invent Climate Change tied to human activity? Why not attack one of the building blocks of human and other life … carbon … such that the sheeple are fooled into buying the constant state of societal crisis?

Monday 8 April 2024

There's No Common Sense In This, Steven...

Queensland Premier Steven Miles on the sad story of a magpie called Molly, seized by Queensland's Department of Science, Environment and Innovation:
'I think sometimes common sense needs to prevail and in this instance ensuring that they can legally take care of Molly is the best outcome for Molly.'

Oh, if only common sense prevailed, but Steven, there's no sign of it in this case, is there? 

Queensland legislation bans native wild animals from being domesticated because of the possible impact on wildlife.
Animals that are sick, orphaned or injured can only be rescued and cared for by those who hold a rehabilitation permit and intend to release them back into the wild.

A sensible law? Yes, so long as there's an understanding that there will always be cases that fall outside of it. 

However, the couple claim they did not look after Molly in the way a pet owner might look after a Cockatoo or a Parrot, insisting instead that the bird is free to fly around and forage for food.
Ms Wells was first asked to surrender Molly six months ago when authorities visited her home but she was unable to capture the bird as it was in a tree.

And that, right there, should have ended any planned DESI action. But bureaucracies are pricklier about their role that 17th century monarchs, and don't like to admit they were wrong. So of course, they doubled down and went in like stormtroopers, ignoring the evidence of their own eyes. 

Previously, DESI said that Molly could not fly like a normal magpie.

It's in a bloody tree! How else did it get there? 

Saturday 6 April 2024

There’s no choice but to work together …

… given the dire threats right now. Kathy Gyngell at TCW:

It left me thinking about the modern parallel – ‘deplatforming' and 'cancellation' and how effective it is in repressing truth, and how few there are today who have the strength to withstand it to defy deceit and lies, let alone sacrifice themselves. And finally how those few who do are mainly men, not women, and what a problem modern women and feminism has proved to be. Laura’s sending me a Times article prompted this last thought. The strapline read 'Education and a more feminised culture are causing female voters aged 18 to 29 to identify as liberal, while male resentment pushes them to conservative views'. 'Predictable', I emailed her, 'as men become ever more marginalised and emasculated? Women are the problem! Who can blame the men?' 'Yes', she winged back, 'the piece says that. It is good to see some push back from them. It's a wonder how any of them would be liberal. The numbers in the US are crazy – 30 per cent of American women aged 25-44 have no children (and) overwhelmingly vote Democrat. However, as the liberal childless women all run the HR departments they will have problems.’  ”

Ok … much as I am lost in waves of admiration for her, for Laura, for Laura Loomer, for Lara Logan … for our Julia … they are, in the end … women. They need men about, even peripherally, who are still manning up … there is no substitute for man plus woman … and kids look up, see it happening in this noble way, not sleazy … and it forms their futures too.

I don’t understand men not being what they biologically are … we’re built to defend, fight, heavy lift, protect … that’s our thang … we’re rudderless ships otherwise. But not overbearingly … goodness, there’s shirley a happy medium … and women also need to pull the head in a bit.

I don’t want a patriarchy, a matriarchy, a yoof-archy … we need a family model-archy, everyone playing his or her role … what on earth is wrong with that?  Those invader savages attack a woman or old person … all the males in the area pack in and pile on.

But what if the women have become harpy, hyena, man-hating hoes, sarcy, narcissist plus … and men are now wozzes? That’s totally twisted and I for one want no part of such a society.

Friday 5 April 2024

Forget Sovereignty, Remember Gaia!

Once upon a time Britain would have sent a gunboat up the Yangtze River. That would teach those Chinese a lesson. To hear some MPs talk about Beijing’s espionage activities, you would think gunboats were already on their way.

Except we don't have any that work anymore. And even if we did, we'd not have anyonr with the balls to use them.  

Rishi Sunak was quick to the fray. “We’ve been very clear that the situation now is that China is behaving in an increasingly assertive way abroad, authoritarian at home, and it represents an epoch-defining challenge, and also the greatest state-based threat to our economic security,” he said. “So, it’s right that we take measures to protect ourselves, which is what we are doing.” That was clear. It was also ridiculous.

Oh? Is the threat not real? What other reason could you have for being so sanguine about a foreign power's attempt to subvert our country's sovreignty? 

Iain Duncan Smith, the former Tory leader, who is said to have been targeted alongside other parliamentarians in the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, was also blunt. China is not just a challenge to us, he said. It must be framed as a threat. “As they grow in power and potency, we are shrinking before them,” he said.

Seems real to me! So why would a red-blooded Englishman not feel the need to imitate the action of the tiger, stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood...?  

Today the world’s relations with China are in one area crucial. That country is responsible for more than a quarter of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, and rising. Britain is now actively participating in China’s proposed “greening” of its BRI programme, which is largely about infrastructure. Given that a third of all greenhouse gas emissions are from construction – a fact still ignored by British planning policy – this collaboration with China is central to fighting the climate crisis.

Oh. Of course. The modern beta male's response when faced with a threat. A drawn-out whine of 'But..but global warming!'. 

... a sense of proportion remains the hardest but most necessary quality to maintain in international relations. We are told daily that global heating is the greatest threat now facing the world. Unless that applies only before lunch, then it should surely lie at the centre of all relations with China.

We'd have trouble facing up to China if it came to a shooting war, Simon. What chance do you think we'd stand against that huge ball of hydrogen in the firmament?  

Thursday 4 April 2024

Are Conform just another division of the Uniparty

Will they fold and sell you down the river to the sea just as the Tories have and Labour are about to? Tice’s stunt in the Ukraine was also a red flag.

Wednesday 3 April 2024

"Your scientists were so preoccupied by whether or not they could...."

"...that they didn't stop to think if they should."
A trans woman has been helped to breastfeed her grandchild, in what is thought to be a world first.
The unidentified 50-year-old was helped to express up to 30ml of milk at a time, after a four week course of hormone treatment.
Researchers from Duke University reported the woman ‘lactated for a total of two weeks’ and was able to feed the four-month-old baby.
The motivation for inducing lactation was to create a ‘bond from breastfeeding that she had not been able to experience with her own five children’.
And we revile Dr Frankenstein? Not sure why. He was clearly a rank amateur. And at least he never used a live child as a prop in his revolting experiments. You know who did? Dr Mengele. And if he'd been caught, he'd have been hanged. If that's who you want to emulate, Duke University researches, god help you. 
‘The patient tearfully reported this was a significant and emotional experience for her that felt very different from formula feeding her other children. ‘She states she has a special bond with this baby for which she is grateful.
‘The patient did not experience any side effects from her treatment regimen.

What the hell is wrong with the actual mother allowing her child to be subjected to this? If the scientists are blinded by personal glory, what's her excuse? 

The issue of trans women breastfeeding is subject to controversy – gender-critical campaigners described the study as ‘absolutely shocking’.

The ordinary person on the street would, I'm sure, have a more pithy, and more accurate, response.  

Tuesday 2 April 2024

Our old road is rapidly ageing

On the surface, the alt-media seem to be doing well ... for example this girl to the left, in Texas, replete with headset and mic ... the perfect alt-media keyboard warrior.

Like us here. Looking just at OoL, our elder statesman Mike had that NHS horror in which he lost his wife, Julia works, so she can only spend a certain time online and we know where ... the gaming is some sort of relief ... I'm not only retired but refuse to look at the MSM ... no tele, no radio ... so my reality is people like Julia. Not mobile any more, actually in isolation both for health and personal safety.

What percentage of the population do we reach, cybernetically? Well look at Nige when UKIP was at its height ... 29%?  What is reform now in polls ... 13%?  Polls are fake? Well yes but it's not the majority, let's say.

The majority are fast becoming  Millennials and Zoomers ... voting and being primed to vote.  Just look at the state of schools, sexual and drug culture, the "teachers" there. 

Just look at this if you would:

Just look at that young creature to our right ... the eyes, the manner.  Doesn't work, can join protests at will, whenever, completely brainwashed and parrotting the Narrative, projecting back, as they do, all the things they're guilty of themselves.  The new human flotsam ... our sons and daughters.

Our lot are still reporting of course:

Our reality on, say, Rowling, is quite different to that single mother above ... to us, Rowling is too big to take down, unlike bloggers, vloggers and tweeters in Scotland. With the little pundits, it's a case of picking them off one by one, with the occasional dawn raids for the more uppity ...

... but more a case of shadow banning, selective "reach restriction" the platform interfering with your numbers etc. etc. 

On Twitter this morning, all the pieces on Yousaf's hate laws and the fact that he's been himself reported many times over ... it's gone.

Now, to be fair, it's still too early for Brits to swing into gear ... more likely to be this evening ... it's more late night Americans just now on Twitter.  Still, those tweets have gone ... at least from my timeline ... no beg pardons.

And there it is ... Cyber censors us ... the Woke twerps have free rein, mobile, can do a spot of handgluing in an hour if needed. Good little communists. Robert Zimmerman from the 60s: "Your sons and your daughters are beyond your control ... your old road is rapidly aging."

Voters ... us, the Wokerati, the deathcult masses, the invaders. Where do you see this going?

Sunday 31 March 2024

Easter Sunday, 2024

Greetings all on this Easter morn. This greeting is not going to be popular with the majority, so I do not expect any of our crew to get with any but the last line of said greeting.

For a dwindling number, the old western tradition of saying, “Rejoice, he is risen!” still applies … commemorating the west we once knew where it was safe to do the things that those in the second group also once enjoyed in safety, without being raped, slaughtered, visited by rainbow coloured thug plod et al.

For maybe still the majority in these days of faith fallen away, it’s all spring, new growth, flowers, Easter bunnies and mushy choc eggs. A mix of gods … vestiges of the old, decaying Christian heritage, rampant consumerism, me me me hedonism … out with the lawn mower or doing all those other mending and repairing jobs. Easter Sunday lunch.

For the Nu Yoof, badly parented if at all, shockingly taught by non-comps and the increasingly sicko teachers in schools … spring break pagan orgies on the beach with anyone indiscriminately, glued to the iphone, furiously texting like insects with twitching feelers.

Then there is a new, equally worrying component, of which Khan in London is but the tip of the iceberg, Obama’s Biden in DC … not just godless or satanic but truly savages … these are the invaders and other rapid breeders swamping us, now in charge of the fractured infrastructure … the new orcs.

God help us all and by a lucky coincidence, the first lot mentioned above do have a way of turning this around and this is the day for it, all turning on one name … Jesus … not that many are interested any more in saving the west, saving Christendom.

A greeting which the old west can get behind though this day … Happy Easter, all!