Wednesday 5 January 2022

Remember When Adults Wrote For This Newspaper?

I have a fantasy and it goes like this: a political party is formed, running on an anti-social-media platform. It campaigns on a pledge to ban social media. (“SWITCH IT OFF” is its straightforward, and elegant, slogan.) The party wins a general election and at midnight, on what comes to be known as Social Media Freedom Day, the prime minister pushes a giant button that blocks all access to social media. Crowds cheer. On the anniversary of Social Media Freedom Day – which becomes a bank holiday, of course – children burn effigies of Mark Zuckerberg and dress up as the Twitter bird.
The ravings of a demented madwoman? Well, yes. It's a 'Guardian' column, after all! What else would you expect?
I write this as someone who owes her career and her partner to social media. I had no journalism qualifications, (Ed: Really...?) connections or experience when I began blogging in the mid-2010s, and through Twitter I was able to get a paid internship that gave me my start in journalism.
But as time has gone on I have become more and more certain that the solution to many of the most pressing issues of our time is simply to switch social media off.
We can all do that, any time we want!
Of course I could delete all my social media accounts. Cancel my season ticket to The Discourse; stop watching as a new villain of the day is crowned on Twitter. You think I don’t want to do that?

What's stopping you? 

I need a responsible adult to do it for me. I’ve had enough of the bad feelings machine. Won’t somebody switch it off? Please? Can we switch it off?

Aren't you one of those? Oh, silly me. Of course you aren't... 

This might be of interest

I'm usually loathe to link to my own site from here but in this case, it's about the host and techie of OoL who died one year ago today:

Monday 3 January 2022

No, Please, Do Tell Us How You Suffer From 'Racism' Again...

...and how that's not a perfectly normal reaction from law abiding people when you act like this:

One man, who lives nearby, said shaken locals fear for their safety.
He said: 'They (the responding officers) had to wait for the riot police as back up before opening the gates on a public road. How do you think we local residents feel?
'The gates were locked another couple of times after the police opened them.
'The travellers have simply ignored the order. How can they be allowed to just do that? Law abiding citizens are being left to put up with this and suffer.
'We know police have the power to move them on but they're too scared. It is disgusting that this is allowed to continue.'
Yes, it's disgusting that West Mercia Police do absolutely nothing when travellers turn up and cause havoc, but they do have a long and undistinguished history of letting them get away with it, so it should hardly be surprising, should it?

They've now moved on, leaving their usual mess behind them. Would it be too much to hope they've moved somewhere close to the Chief Con or his relatives?

Sunday 2 January 2022

A post about the bleedin' obvious

If ever there were an issue which divides people in Britain, aside from the masks. lockdowns and deathjab passports, it's Bliar.  In fact, it divides in an interesting way - the cabal. MSM, myrmidons and karens one side ... and the people not privileged on the other.
The deep unpopularity of “Sir Tony”, as the former premier — full name Anthony Charles Lynton Blair — has asked to be called, appears to be as firm in 2022 as it was when he left office in 2007, with the decision to make him a Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter in the New Year Honours Lists provoking a massive public backlash.

Which leads to an interesting question - what's the best sobriquet you can think of for him - tosser?  Scumbag?  Mass-murdering cabalist?  Communist?

Friday 31 December 2021

Happy New Year, readers

To those of goodwill anyway.

There are a number of ways to react to these past two years of stress.  We can state the bleedin' obvious - don't let the bastards grind you down, illegitimi non carborundum, don't give them the satisfaction - that lot, from the cabalists to the karens, ARE going to get theirs.

Fine.  Another way is the kumbaya pathway:

... or in music, it's all going to work out:

... but OoL suggests we have to be more active than that, we have to pile the pressure onto the wrongdoers to start doing right.

Anyway ... Julia, the chaps and I wish those of goodwill a nice time tonight and a far better 2022 if possible.  Thanks to all associated with OoL over the past year.

Thursday 30 December 2021

Maxwell - popcorn time

Probably it's all over the MSM, wouldn't know, never look at it.  Here's our special correspondent IYE's take from N.O.'s other site:

The famed Settlement Agreement with Epstein and Prince Andrew and others has now been ordered to be unsealed and docketed on the public record by 1/3/22 

Nothing suspicious about the request at all. Now might be a good time for her to start singing.....?

Ghislaine's lawyer requests that she get a COVID booster.

Wednesday 29 December 2021

'Choice' Is Exactly What They Don't Want Anyone To Have...

...and if this isn't rejected, that's exactly what they will continue to push on everyone.
Green Party councillor Ian Middleton, put forward a motion to make sure all Oxfordshire County Council meetings are "entirely plant-based", and it was passed on Tuesday's full council meeting.

Nor was that his only demand: 

The motion also called for targeted education in schools on dietary health, food growing, preparation and waste avoidance and for the county school meals service to make fully plant-based menus available to schools that ask for them.

Because we all know schools have successfully taught all children to read, write and add up and are just twiddling their thumbs? 

However, Conservative councillor David Bartholomew feels the motion is "unacceptable" and says that veganism should be a choice.

In the normal world, it is.  

It will now be considered by the council cabinet before implementation.

And I've little hope that the 

Speaking after the meeting Mr Middleton said:"No one is taking away free choice, these changes will only affect those who wish to avail themselves of food provided by the council. What members do outside the council walls is their own affair."

But that's how these things always start, isn't it?  Impacting one small - often despised - group of people, before they move on to everyone.  

But you can't argue with fanaticism:

Mr Middleton said: "These are not choices we're making for ourselves, but for future generations. This is a very minor change that sends a powerful message to the people we represent that we take tackling climate change seriously and are prepared to play our part as community leaders".

Enjoy your taxpayer-funded food, but I'll make my own choices with my own money. And looking at the vegan offerings always adorning the supermarket 'buy it now at reduced price before we bin it' so does everyone else... 

The NYE party is in England this year

Expect the borders flooded by 'guests', Ripper sends this:

Plenty of observations can be made regarding the idiocy of the whole madness but there's also a more puritanical view of the whole yoof culture over maybe 70 years ... that that culture has longterm political and social implications which puts it at the mercy of outside enemies.  Yuri Bezmenov wrote of this.

Tuesday 28 December 2021

Of narrative, myrmidons and karens

There are quite a few aspects to this and they can't all be covered in one post. Let's start with Polly on Bitchute and her dismembering of Scott Adams [Dilbert].

Not going to actually run it here because he intensely annoys in that performance, Adams, but it does need mentioning and essentially, it comes down to evidence piling up on the lack of efficacy of certain procedures, plus he and also DJT have bought a narrative wholesale and have then been pushing it, without even 
looking at the mounting evidence, inc. quite obvious cases every few days, all reported by us, but in SA's and DJT's eyes, we may has well have never prsented it for months and months.

Were it to have stayed as just that - two people with cognitive issues in their own homes - then fine, let it be so.  But no, they can't leave it at that, can they, because they're this ridiculous new Woke weasel word 'influencers'.  Both want to be the people's poet, the people's champ, not part of the Global Rest cabal and both have made populist moves towards that end, one in a presidency, the other in a Dilbert cartoon.

All the while buying the global narrative and pushing it at the same time.  And that, ladies and gentlemen = cognitive dissonance, as Polly explains the term in her intro.

Now, do they leave it at that?  Nope, they do this American thing they call 'doubling down', they actually quie belligerently try to hit back when called out.  Pure alpha male.  Female SJWs also do it  but let's not complicate this.  Adams actually chooses those words 'cognitive dissonance' to project onto us in a podcast.  In other words, we have cognitive dissonance.

Yet Polly places those words beside footage of him saying the opposite, like a Fauci.  See, the issue in their heads is not to have the facts straight at all but to be the beloved 'good guys', acting chummy, matey and speaking the vernacular, taking us into their confidence, projecting this man of the people shtick.  For what purpose?

To push the global narrative, but in a people's poet way, speaking the language of ordinary guys, not the language of the Schwab/Gates cabal they are joining.  Commenter Twisted Root wrote this:
Adams is experiencing the downside of when hypnotic suggestion begins to wear off.
Let's self-examine.  In which part of the lockdown, deathjab, mask madness for two years have we pundits altered our position?  Even if we could get those two to admit our single line throughout, then we are insta-dismissed as conspiracy nuts.

The aim is, at all times, that they are the good guys and we are the loons.  That is the bottom line, the whole raison d'etre.  And what is ours?  What is our shtick?  To expose, call out of course, never ceasing.  In the way the media is supposed to do its job.