Saturday, 9 November 2024

Another DEI disaster?

The instant I saw it in the youtube recommended, my instant thought was, “Who was she, the Commander?”

If you look back over my soc-med writing, it’s I think justly complimentary towards and in awe of “proper” women whom I’m, frankly, in awe of for their abilities across a range of skill sets … 

They’re sane, sensible, yuge fun in so many ways … to my mind, all good … they stay within their competencies, I stay within mine.

This below though is completely different … for a start, it’s top down psycho-wokery in every Milliband way … plus the feminazai karens involved are the very LAST people, male or female, in charge of anything whatever …

It truly is a horses for courses thing ... just look at the new chief-of-staff for DJT ... Susie ... no one has a bad word.  Our own gallant leader at OoL runs a good operation with loyal 2ICs.

In this youtube below on the sinking, the narrator man below goes to great lengths to blame everything else but her ... then says she may have been "a factor".

In comments, someone wrote:


Friday, 8 November 2024

The Dark Side Of ‘Freedom Of The Land’ Types

Members of a “cult” who believed they could overrule the judicial system have been jailed after storming a court armed with a pair of handcuffs in a failed attempt to kidnap and falsely imprison a senior coroner.

What a bunch of nutters! How could they possibly do more damage to our legal system than the activist judges and incompetent CPS are already doing? 

Lincoln Brookes, the senior coroner for Essex and target of the four-strong group’s botched kidnap attempt, told Chelmsford crown court that he regularly had nightmares about the incident.

Why? Their actions were comically ineffective and doomed to fail... 

The judge Justice Goss said all four were members of a group called the Federal Postal Court, or the Court for the People, which had “self-conferred” powers. In July, the prosecutor Allister Walker had called the group an “anti-establishment protest, cult or conspiracy theory”.

Well, given how often conspiracy theorists are proved absolutely correct these day, maybe they were a genuine threat after all. 

Mark Christopher, 59, was described as the “self-appointed leader” who went by the title of Chief Judge of England and All Dominions. Matthew Martin, 47, was a sheriff and coroner, Sean Harper, 38, was a sheriff, and his wife, Shiza Harper, 45, was a postal inspector for the group, the judge said, with all three “qualified by” Christopher. The judge said Christopher “lay at the very heart of these offences” as he jailed him for seven years. He said Martin and the Harpers “were prepared to commit offences while doing his bidding” and jailed them for 30 months each.

Any more indications they were all bonkers? Glad you asked, Reader: 

Martin, who represented himself, said he was “here to save younglings” and that “we find younglings tied up in places like underneath Asda supermarkets”.

Nah, mate, got to check the Jedi Temples for those. 

Thursday, 7 November 2024

Neil Oliver and GB News

As mentioned by Dan Wootton, the whole point of GB News was as an alt-news alternative to the MSM but in dropping The Coast Guy, it just compounds what happened with Mark Steyn, DW himself, Calvin Robinson … “alt” is not ok for GBN … it pretends to be so to its former support base but it is in fact Westminster CINO, pandering to the Westminster set and its money backers. Straight Woke left.

We’re not remotely interested in what would be, across the pond, known as RINOs, nor in the MSM view on anything. As DW says … GBN has lost its entire reason to exist.

Similar happened to Tucker on Fox, to Lara Logan, to any who speak to the 4 million who voted Reform or who used to vote UKIP … also to those who voted MAGA.

(H/T to “our” Andy across at our place.)

Wednesday, 6 November 2024

'And Your Sins Will Seek You Out'


Along with many, almost too many to count; political commentators and analysts, I am attempting to discover the secret to that truly remarkable political victory by Donald Trump in yesterday’s Presidential Election.

As an Englishman, I hold a somewhat privileged position as far as USA politics go, in that I have read and studied both American politics and politicians by virtue of their speeches, statements and actions; without having any of their many activities resounding too much on either my country, or myself as an individual. A quotation from that inspiring and gifted writer Tom Clancy stated “Ideas are important. Principles are important. Words are important. Your word is the most important of all. Your word is who you are.”  

America is an Idea. America is complicated. When the Founding Fathers, those far-sighted men who sat and argued for months before that truly amazing Document  which commenced “We, the People”, the proposed Constitution of that brand new Nation; the United States of America, they were determined to avoid, as far as could then be foreseen, the pitfalls and mistakes which had either frozen or altered beyond recognition many of the mainly European nations which existed when those men were preparing Revolution. Their grievances were many, with the Stamp Act, a tax system to make the Colonies pay for the war which ​​to pay off the enormous war debt that the crown had incurred, first amongst many. King George together with his Government, felt that since the war started in North America, the English subjects living there should play a major role in paying for it. In 1765, the King’s newest Prime Minister, Lord George Grenville, introduced the Stamp Act, sparking a wave of protests in all thirteen colonies. The force and intensity of the protests shocked both the King and Parliament, forcing a repeal: and the Founding Fathers determined that their solution was to overthrow the shackles laid upon them by the British Government, with a citizen Army, which ultimately was successful.

When Donald Trump, a billionaire property magnate New Yorker decided to run for the Presidency in 2015-16, he fought his way through the Primaries, adding more States to his name, before being successful as the Republican Nominee for the Presidency. From being a rank outsider, with some regarding him as a joke, he began his campaign, and up until the very day of the Election, was ranked as ‘The Improbable Outsider’. I watched many of his campaign speeches, and realised that here, before our eyes, something new was stirring. From a thriving billion dollar property portfolio, to lay siege to the Machine which was the Democratic Party was literally unknown, but perhaps only possible because he funded his campaign himself. He owed no one any deals, made no-one any promises or special rewards. But the major politicians of both Parties virtually ignored him, and in the very day before the Election, he was given a 3% chance of success. But lots of people had seen and listened to him speak, and millions more had watched those campaign speeches on Facebook and YouTube, because this was possibly the first Digital Election.

The shock, the sheer angst, the disbelief which was shown worldwide by the smug anchor broadcasters of CNN and MSNBC as the 2016 Election was called, not for the surefire bet for Hilary Clinton, but for the rank outsider and brash newcomer Trump, could well have been bottled and sold at a great profit. His Presidency followed, and despite all that the Deep State hurled against him, he came through to become, again in mine opinion, a decent man and a great President. He ran again in 2020, losing to Joe Biden. He claimed ‘Foul’, and ‘Criminal Voter Theft’, but the claims were met with a stolid rebuff by Democratic-appointed judges, and no claim ever reached a court. In the intervening years, more evidence appeared which might have turned things around, but nothing ever reached a court.

So The Donald, now an elderly man, what does he do? Why, he declares himself as a runner for the 47th Presidency, and proceeds to go down the early Primary routes, gathering votes for his Nomination as he disposed of his few opponents. Why? Because thats what is needed if you play by the rules. As I wrote earlier: ‘America is complicated’, and as Tom Clancy opined ‘Principles are important’. 

Now we need to look at his Opposition, President Joe Biden, and his Vice-President Kamala Harris. Biden started off well, but his Presidency seemed, to me at least, to be remarkably vague and indecisive. It was way back in March 2021 that I wrote on the sudden and mysterious chop and disappearance of a videoed Press Conference with members of the House Congressmen and the new President, after he began by saying “I’m happy to take questions if that’s what I’m supposed to do, Nance, whatever you want me to do,”. The feed disappeared, and he never resumed that video call. I asked on my own site, “The Democratic Presidential campaign kept ChinaJoe hidden in his basement for most of the campaign, as opposed to President Trump, whose appearances on his campaign trail were only too successful in reminding America who was speaking, and who was hiding. I wonder what the real reason for his silence was? Were the Dems just worried about the Virus, or were they worried that the Big Lie would be discovered? Was ChinaJoe already showing signs of diminished capacity?”

In the months and years that followed, many signs were showing that President Biden was exhibiting signs of mental deterioration, but these stories were ruthlessly culled from any American news source, with the exception being Breitbart News. But, the Democrats managed to sneer loudly enough and ridicule Breitbart, so that middle America never got to hear or discuss the very real fears of their ailing President which were common news overseas. It was almost ‘news standard’ that the strings of actual government were being pulled by a combination of VP Harris, Obama and Biden’s wife, who just loved the thrill of flying in Air Force One. They lied to the American public, and they thought that they could get ‘SleepyJoe’, bouncing on enough cocaine to get him through the Primaries, and then into a Second Term. Unfortunately, those plans came crashing down about forty-odd seconds into the first (and ONLY) Biden/Trump Presidential Debate, when all Trump had to do was keep a straight face whilst observing the collapse of a serving President on National Television to win every second of the disaster which was President Joe Biden debating, exposed for the mental wreck he sadly had become.

The Democrats, panicked beyond belief, arranged for Kamala Harris to be the Democratic Party’s Nominee without a single vote, without a single caucus being established where she would actually run as a Nominee. When Biden announced his decision to drop out of the 2024 race, many delegates who were elected in primaries specifically because they were pledged to vote for him declared their intent to vote for Harris. With Biden out of the race, they are free to vote their conscience, and no other candidate emerged to challenge Harris. But for the first time since 1968, Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee will win the nomination without winning a single primary vote. 

And this folks, is where the Democratic Party failed miserably to tell their millions of supporters that, “Well, its okay, but she’s the only candidate we’ve got: and we just don’t have the time to run all those primaries again”!

Haris wasn’t prepared, she hadn’t done her homework, she couldn’t answer a single policy question without tying herself in verbal knots. The only Debate with Trump? He wiped the floor with her, because, like him or loathe him, he is massively prepared: and that, folks, is  my belief that huge numbers of confirmed Democratic Party voters turned away from VP Kamala Harris, and chose Trump: because he stuck closely to those Constitutional Rules; and Kamala did not! 

"It appears that something has gone very wrong here.”

Robert Bracegirdle, 75, disappeared from his home in Goole in 2020 after struggling with mental health issues. A police search failed to find him and a coroner later ruled that he had died by drowning in the nearby River Ouse. His next of kin were forbidden access to his flat by East Riding council which promised to store his possessions until he was officially declared dead. However, when an inquest was held two years after his disappearance, the family discovered that the contents of his flat had been disposed of.

That's the sort of local council 'efficiency' we've come to expect... 

According to the housing law specialist Giles Peaker, partner of Anthony Gold Solicitors, relatives of council tenants who die without having made a will usually have to wait for a grant of probate before they can enter a property. However, in Bracegirdle’s case, probate could not be applied for until he was officially declared dead two years later, by which time his property had been disposed of. “Under the Tort (Interference with Goods) Act 1977 the council would have to keep the deceased tenant’s belongings secure and serve a notice on the administrator, executor and/or on the public trustee requiring collection of the belongings before disposing of them.” Peaker said.

And if they fail to follow that, never mind, the taxpayer will pick up the bill! Small comfort that will be to the bereaved relatives.... 

“The council told us that we were not allowed to enter the flat and remove any items because my uncle could not give permission,” said his niece, Charlotte Bracegirdle.“It said that once it had repossessed the property through the courts, it would take a full inventory of the contents and put them into storage until an inquest. My mum contacted them when an inquest date was set and received a two-line email, which didn’t even address her by name, stating that the contents had been disposed of as is ‘standard procedure’ when a property has stood empty for a long period. We suspect some of the more high-value items may have been sold.”

Shouldn't the police be involved then, as surely that's both theft and malfeasance in public office? 

East Riding council declined to respond to questions about when and how Bracegirdle’s belongings were disposed of. It said in a statement: “The council offers our deepest condolences, and regrets that the council’s actions caused distress at a difficult time for Mr Bracegirdle’s family. We acknowledge, now and at the time, that matters should have been dealt in a more sympathetic way. In response to the concerns that the family members have raised, we have changed our processes to ensure that similar cases are managed in a more sensitive way. This case is currently being dealt with by our insurers so we cannot comment in more detail at this time.”

How many other councils are doing this, I wonder? It's just another reason to ensure you have made a will. 

Tuesday, 5 November 2024

Death:Where Is Thy Sting?

I write today about an addiction. That addiction is for Tobacco, for smoking, for chewing, for inhaling the deadly carcinogens which have been proven, time and time again, which this addiction holds, promises and delivers.

As with all things, I must be honest. I smoked. Either cigarettes or pipe tobacco, for almost thirty five years. I smoked when in the Merchant Navy, I smoked when living in South Africa, when buying a thirty pack of smokes, was cheaper than when buying duty-free in an airport shop. I tried to give up once when my eldest brother came visiting, along with my mother; but failed when in a restaurant filled with smoke. 

I determined to leave South Africa when I saw the early signs of the movement towards Black Majority rule in that once wonderful country, and; when seeing the vast difference between South Africa prices for a pack of cigarettes, and for the same in Great Britain & Northern Ireland, a rise of some 250%. This for a family man with a growing family, was something I literally could not afford.

So I, along with my wife, stopped smoking, just like that. It was not easy, for almost three weeks, I was like a bear with a sore head, but, as I wrote, I rediscover my senses of taste and of smell; I was free of a killer addiction, because: along with the nicotine comes the deadly fumes which almost guarantee cancer.

I note that this ridiculous So-Called Labour Government is proceeding with the same plan excavated by the Tories, which attempts to ban anyone of a certain age from buying cigarettes. Don’t they realise that ordinary British reaction to any Authority trying to ban anything is to make that same thing more desirable.

The only proven method, as far as I can tell, to limit cigarette smoking is to price it almost beyond the average smoker’s reach in terms of pure cash. 

Smoking is an addiction, pure and simple. The whole anti-smoking industry, and it IS an INDUSTRY, is based upon the fallacy that human beings can be weaned off of this deadly addiction slowly, either by Vaping, or by the purchase of various filters which can be ‘proven’ to lessen the urge to to smoke.

GB&NI’s biggest killer is tobacco, and, unfortunately, the ONLY WAY to come off that deadly habit is to stop buying those deadly sticks at one shot. Your wallet, your family, your very life and future depends upon it!  

Classic moral conundrum

As far as I can gather, Sandford Police is a parody site:

… and some days back, they ran this, replied to by SadButMadLad, one of the regular dissidents out there:

Uh huh. For the record, my first thought was the domestic thing … no knowing what she’s done to him.  The child is missing now, next hour, much of the day as the disappearance is investigated.  Not a clue what  an RTC is meant to be, so that comes fourth, leaving collapsed man in third.

Monday, 4 November 2024

The Cousins Won’t Like This, Khan…

No separate entrances at the mosque for men and women, then? 

Combating the “pernicious influence” of misogynists such as Andrew Tate in primary schools is a vital part of teaching children about equality and respect, the mayor of London has told teachers. Sadiq Khan has written to every primary school in London urging them to counter the online misogyny of influencers such as Tate through new classes and workshops that are being set up across the capital as part of plans to tackle violence against women and girls.

Oh, of course. Ignoring the elephant in the room and declaring an Internet nobody Public Enemy No 1. How surprising...  

The mayor’s office has launched a £1m toolkit to help teachers counter dangerous messages from influencers after research revealed that one in three young males have a positive view of Tate, a self-proclaimed misogynist, and one in 10 children have watched pornography by the time they are nine. The toolkit, developed by the healthy relationships charity Tender, trains teachers how to run workshops, drama and interactive classroom sessions to teach nine- to 11-year-olds how to recognise and call out inequality and sexism.

And if they start calling it out when they are taught about Islam? What then? 

Susie McDonald, the chief executive of Tender, acknowledged that discussing gender inequality and healthy relationships could be difficult, but said primary school was a critical time for children to learn about communication, empathy and respect. “It’s imperative that children learn about healthy relationships and are supported to build positive attitudes and behaviours,” she said. “By challenging potentially problematic attitudes at their root, we can prevent a culture of abuse against women and girls.”

There's people banged up in jail at the behest of our lying coward  of a Prime Minister for doing exactly that, Susie.

Sunday, 3 November 2024

On the mendacious shenanigans going on …

… in the US, plus the UK, in the conduct of national elections:

First off … concerning Fulton County not informing the GOP it was counting over the weekend, no GOP observers present … out and out fraud. For a start, I’m both used to and actually was, on more than one occasion, a “scrutineer”:

I’m stunned that the concept does not exist in the USA, at least in Federal elections … maybe they call it “observer” … whereby parties with over X% of the vote last election get to appoint one scrutineer per counting table, the count only taking place between certain set hours … very strictly for obvious reasons.

As for vote flipping machines controlling the count from overseas via intranet or internet … I’m just stunned. How on earth can an electoral process take place under those conditions and not be called third world? And counts going past midnight on election day, without troops being detailed to watch from outside the counting room?

Having said all that … just how does an incoming party, as in the UK, get to promise their manifesto, get in on 20% of the eligible vote, then promptly reverse the policies they were returned on the basis of? How does that keep happening if there’s an independent and fair MSM?

Saturday, 2 November 2024

Not so much the Peter Principle ...

... as the parachuted-in, non-comp DEI hire.  Firstly, this is the Peter Principle itself in a nutshell:

This below, on the other hand, is a parachuted-in, non-comp DEI hire ... in a similar way to Reeves being incompetent at her job and of zero business experience. Yes, there are many non-comp men too - Brown, Starmer etc. - but the one below is of one the other 289 genders, the one which procreates:

Others have commented as well:

Another way to express it is "politically acceptable to communists".